
Let’s Praise God Together

June 29, 2021

Biblical Counseling Rachel is over halfway done with phase 3 of ACBC certification! She has completed 30 of her 50 required sessions. Curtis has also begun meeting with men for biblical counseling. Praise God for Salvations– we have seen 2 individuals receive Christ as Savior during Biblical Counseling the past few months! They are growing […]

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Just 5 Minutes

April 29, 2021

Ministry News from Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Biblical Counseling Rachel is in phase 3 of Biblical Counseling. She has completed 13 of her 50 required sessions, has met with her supervisor 3 times, is reading required books, memorizing scripture…… it’s a bit intense! But oh so good! Curtis also hopes to begin counseling the fiance […]

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It’s Official! Rhoadarmer Update 3/16/21

March 16, 2021

Ministry Update of Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Thank you for your prayers for passing Phase 2 (the exam phase) towards certification with the ACBC. Rachel passed with flying colors after spending the previous year working on her exams. She has now moved onto Phase 3- the Supervision stage. She began doing Biblical Counseling last week […]

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Merry Christmas from the Rhoadarmers!

December 14, 2020

From our Family to Yours- Merry Christmas! JOY We wish you Joy this Christmas. J- Jesus. Our Savior and our Friend who walks with us no matter what we are facing.

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The Rhoadrunner – Pandemic Edition

December 5, 2020

We hope you have seen a glimpse of God at work this past year. Ministry has adapted and changed a lot this year- but continues and grows! We praise the Lord for how we have seen Him move this year and we know He is still on His throne. We hope you are encouraged! We […]

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Join us! Rhoadarmer update 10/21/2020

October 21, 2020

Together We Rise! This year Rachel helped plan the Pregnancy Help Center of Grant County’s Annual Fundraising Banquet. Due to Covid-19 we changed it up and had a virtual banquet. We had people attend live, others attend church watch parties, while others watched virtually from their home computer screens. There were safety benefits from doing […]

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New Address – Same Ministry!

July 29, 2020

NEW ADDRESS, SAME GREAT MINISTRY!! A year ago, when Rachel’s Aunt Pam moved out of our house into a nursing home facility we began praying about moving closer to our church and to the kids’ new school district. After having our house on the market for 6 months with no buyers, and in the middle […]

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Exciting things happening!

June 4, 2020

Women aren’t the only people impacted by abortion decisions. Men are as well. Curtis and I began doing post-abortion couple’s counseling with a married couple in our community. We believe God is going to do a great work of healing in the couple’s life and marriage through these sessions. While Rachel has been leading women’s […]

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Rhoadarmer Update 4/16/2020

April 16, 2020

Covid- 19 changes the way Ministry looks The world looks a lot different right now- and while the ministry “vehicle” is different it’s no less busy. Some days it’s even busier and more challenging. Rachel’s Virtual Bible Study has continued as it began with little change. But a study on anxiety and contentment seems even more […]

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Ministry in the Midst of Chaos

March 18, 2020

Ministry looks different in the midst of a “social distance” world. Rachel continues an online Bible Study for women through Facebook. Online Bible Studies are great during this time and so we will press on! Church services at New Hope have been canceled in person- and we are switching gears for virtual messages and activities. […]

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