
Summer Ministry Update 6/18/24

June 18, 2024

Shepherds’ Wives Conference A conference just for Shepherds’ Wives? Yes, please! Rachel and her mom, Mary Pinkerton, were able to attend the 2nd Annual Shepherds’ Wives Conference last week in Jacksonville, FL. It was one of the most edifying conferences Rachel has been to. The conference was full of expositional teaching through God’s word on […]

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God Changes Lives!

April 12, 2024

Pray for a New Sister in Christ- one of Rachel’s former counselee’s contacted us this past week. Her sister in law is in a rehab facility for poor health issues and was interested in a visit from Pastor Curtis. Curtis was able to go and shared the Gospel. “L” received Christ as Savior that day. […]

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But God Kept Me

February 21, 2024

When a person “graduates” from Biblical Counseling not everything in their life changes. Their circumstances may be just as hard. The people in their life may be just as difficult to deal with. Illness may continue. While the things around them may not change- the “graduate” is often given a new perspective. So what benefit […]

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4 Things to Pray for in 2024

January 9, 2024

The New Year reminds us of NEW BIRTH and NEW FOUND FREEDOM in Christ, NEW GROWTH as we grow closer to our Savior through His word, and NEW OPPORTUNITES to minister. We pray you will experience some of these same “New” things in 2024. Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Indiana   To see past issues of […]

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We are coming to Colorado!

November 30, 2023

We will be in Colorado this Christmas celebrating with the Rhoadarmer clan. We’d love to see as many of our friends and family in CO as we can and share what God is doing in our ministry. Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Indiana   To see past issues of our newsletter or to join our mailing […]

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We Give Thanks

November 21, 2023

We Give Thanks We are thankful for GOD’S FAITHFULNESS in our family and ministry this past year. We are thankful for YOUR FAITHFULNESS as prayer warriors and financial supporters. From our family to yours we hope you have a peace-filled time of THANKSGIVING this week. Some things we are thankful for: Be One Together World-Wide […]

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In the Full Swing of Fall Ministries

September 25, 2023

School is session, the weather is beginning to change and our fall ministries are going strong. Please be praying for these 5 Ministries. 1. AWANA- Curtis is Co-Director and Rachel is the Cubbie’s teacher this year. We have over 25 kids in this program and we are excited about what God is doing!

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5 Things To Praise God For

May 22, 2023

Praise for a new Associate Pastor- Andrew and Clara Augustine will join our ministry team at New Hope Baptist Church on August 6th. We’ve been without pastoral help at NHBC since March of 2022 so we are ready! Our youth especially are excited about having a youth pastor again.

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5 Minutes of Prayer

March 7, 2023

Pray for Growth- Rachel just began Biblical Counseling with a young single mom. Because of some poor life choices, her three daughters are living with a family member in a different state. Pray God will use Biblical Counseling in her life to bring hope and life change. Our goal is to bring the two youngest […]

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Rhoadarmer 2/1/23

February 1, 2023

Ministry News of Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Faith Biblical Counseling Training 2023 New Hope Baptist Church is hosting a virtual group to attend this training this year. We will be meeting Feb. 12-17th. We will have a couple of people from New Hope attend as well as a couple fellow Be One Together Missionaries. We […]

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