Our mission is to engage all cultures by making God's Word real through collaboration in outreach, discipleship, and mobilization.
JMissionConnexion starts tomorrow. Come by the exhibit table and visit with us.
Join us in praying for Be One Together missionaries and their ministries.
Mission Leaders Mike and Mary Pinkerton will be at the exhibit table for the mission. Northwest friends of the mission, this is the best place to chat with them. They would love to see you.
Join us for MissionConnexion January 17-18, 2025. Ministry Leaders Mike and Mary Pinkerton will be at the exibit table for Be One Together. Stop by and visit with them and hear what God is doing around the world.
They will even share the goodness of Jesus. “ Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8
None of us have arrived -- we're only pilgrims on a long journey together encouraging and supporting each other to keep pressing on to the goal the Lord has set before us while inviting others to travel with us.
More missionaries and volunteers are needed to accomplish His work among the people of the world.
Ask God to lead you to the right opportunities He has prepared. Are they at church? Are they in your neighborhood? Around your dinner table? ~Arnie Cole
Join us for MissionConnexion January 17-18, 2025. Mission Leader Mary Pinkerton will be presenting a workshop on Saturday during the last slot.
I tell you, history can be changed again if you were to go to your knees in believing prayer. Even when times are bleak and the world scorns God, He still works through the prayers of His people, including you.
Start off the new year spiritually fit. Contact us at info@beonetogether.com
Revival can change the direction of a group of people whether in a nation, a community, or a neighborhood.
Revival is the answer for our souls. Pray for Be One Together as they share the good news which may bring about revival.
Are your prayers feared? Do you expect results? Be One Together missionaries gather monthly believing God answers prayer.
Join us in the praying for The Word of God to be shared and received.
As you invest Treasure, know how much the Ministry Center appreciate your partnership in what God is accomplishing through Be One Together. As dollars are given, real people encounter God's Word.
Be One Together missionaries share the light of Jesus Christ daily. You can too! Contact us at infor@beonetogether.com if you want help in knowing how to share Christ.
Check the ministry out at: https://humbleanchorcoffee.com/
Portugal school provides opportunity. Please cover Isabel in prayer.
Be One Together missionaries loves sharing God's Word.
We have been entrusted with the Gospel --- words of hope people need to hear and discover today.
Be One Together missionaries may serve the persecuted church. Join us in prayer for their safety.
We are not given the option to stop here. We need to take what we have learned from the Bible and turn it into action as we share with others.
You may ask, "How do I connect with God?" Contact us at info@beonetogether.com and we will have someone help you connect.
Be One Together Missionary, Moises Moura, will be teaching missionaries serving along the Amazon River in 2025.
If you grew up in church and were relying on your own hard work and good behavior for your self-worth, you may not have realized your dire need for a savior. Contact us at info@beonetogether.com if you need help in knowing Jesus as your savior.
Are you prioritizing children?
"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God." - John Stott
Mike and Mary Pinkerton They serve together as the mission leaders for the mission. They love seeing people come to Jesus, being disciples and are blessed by the connections to the various fields the mission serves.
Help your brothers and sisters in Christ to better reach their neighbors just as you are reaching yours.
Meg Guerrant - Oregon She serves as a volunteer providing hand-made cards for the missionaries birthdays and anniversaries.
Contact us if you need someone to guide you in how to share Christ.
Dorcas She works and serves people from behind closed doors. Please pray for her ministry. She loves puppies and dogs as well.