Ministry Update of Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer
Thank you for your prayers for passing Phase 2 (the exam phase) towards certification with the ACBC. Rachel passed with flying colors after spending the previous year working on her exams. She has now moved onto Phase 3- the Supervision stage. She began doing Biblical Counseling last week with Amy* and was able to lead Amy to Christ as Savior. She had grown up “believing” but wasn’t sure whether or not she was good enough to be saved. She now understands the grace of God- and the importance of what Jesus did on the cross for her. Rachel will continue to meet with her over the next few weeks to help her with a variety of “problems” in her life to seek answers in God’s word for true and lasting change.
Rachel will also begin working with Sarah* virtually at the end of March. Sarah recently experienced a traumatic death in her family and is experiencing great grief.
Part of this Phase 3 process to become certified is meeting with a supervisor. Rachel will meet with her Supervisor to go over every counseling case every couple of weeks. Pray she will learn and grow in this process to become a better Biblical Counselor.
Please be praying for both Amy and Sarah as they look to God’s word to find hope and comfort in the midst of their trials.
*names have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the counselees.
Post- Abortion Recovery
Rachel met with a woman today to talk over beginning a Post-Abortion Recovery Study. She is committed to doing this study and we will be promoting it through the connections at the Pregnancy Help Center in hopes God will bring others to join this group and find healing from their past abortion decisions. We anticipate beginning April, 20th.
New Hope Baptist Church update:
Ministry at New Hope Baptist Church continues to go well. We are so thankful for God’s provision this past year given all the uncertainty and unrest in our world. We have been meeting since last May, 2020… but the past two weeks we broke the 100 attendees mark! We are excited to see people back in the church house and worshiping together as a family again. We have yet to pass the pre-covid attendee average- but we are excited to see more and more return, and new faces get added to our number as well.
This past year has felt like a year of “survival.” This coming year is about “thriving” again and working to continue our mission of evangelism and discipleship in our community. Curtis is currently leading a Sunday Night Bible study called “Life on Mission.” It’s a study through evangelism and how to easily share the good news of Jesus with others. Pray for our people- that they will be bold and loving to share God’s word with others.
If you’d like to join us online sometime please do!

Noah (8th grade) and Hannah (6th grade) are doing well. They are involved in Band (N-tuba, H-trumpet). Noah started track this spring and is busy running. They are both very active in our church youth group. Pastor Steve, our NextGen Pastor, recently had each student lead a Sunday School lesson. It was fun to see our kids lead in this way and interesting to see what lessons they chose to teach.
PS- We think Rachel may now be the shortest person in our family. The kids have grown so much in the past couple of years! Next year we’ll have a High Schooler (gulp!). We appreciate continued prayers for our kids- that they will love God and seek to serve Him first with their lives.
Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer
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