From the Field
News and Updates from Be One Together
Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, Thanks for your continued support in prayer. It is much needed and appreciated! On Saturday the women gathered for the last meeting before summer break. They studied the sermon on the mount for the past 9 months and it was such a time […]
Read MoreHello Prayer Team, After months of prayer, application, more prayer, interviews, even more prayer, and waiting, we are thrilled to announce that we have received full approval from Black Forest Academy, Be One Together (B1-2G), and Vereinigte Deutsches Missionshilfe (VDM) and we can now officially begin our support raising process to join BFA fall 2022. […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, We want to thank you for praying with us for Carlos. Last Friday Nuno visited him and Carlos was feeling much better, he even walked for the first time in weeks. Praise God! Please keep him in your prayers, may the Lord be exalted […]
Read MoreHello Everyone, When Jesus called Peter out of the boat, Peter had to keep his eyes on Jesus, but when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the wind and waves instead, he started to sink. Right now as we continue to move forward in our faith walk, we have to daily remind […]
Read MoreWadsworth Window June 2021 April Lives Here Wade Lives Here We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8
Read MoreDear Friends & Family, “Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1,2 ) These familiar verses speak directly to the reason we […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, Last weekend we were so happy to be able to meet in person again! We had our third session of the Worship workshop on Saturday and everyone who came had such a wonderful time reflecting on the many different ways we can worship the […]
Read MoreNews from Bob Carvajal Louisiana Ministry is Harder in 2021!! The fear of the pandemic made the government place restrictions on us like mask wearing and social distancing. People were afraid so they isolated themselves. This made it very difficult to do ministry. Since the first of the year, things have opened […]
Read MoreNews from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community Spring 2021 From the notes of Ed and Gerry… One of the thoughts I (Gerry)consider daily is praying for “God Appointments”. As the restrictions are opening up a little in our area I am delighted to resume a ministry that is near […]
Read More“Dou graças a Deus porque como um perfume que se espalha por todos os lugares, somos usados por Deus para que Cristo seja conhecido por todas as pessoas.” (2 Coríntios 2:14) Queridos amigos e irmãos, Gratidão é a palavra que gostaríamos de expressar ao nosso Deus e a todos vocês por suas orações e parceria […]
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