Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 20th July 2021


Update from Nuno and Gila


We had a great time together celebrating our 3rd anniversary. We met at the park, and many joined us. Some friends from Alpha course came and that was really good! Alpha session later that day would be on healing and as Dave Zimel was already with us, he was invited to join and pray for healing for those who wanted. (For those who don’t know Dave, He is a good friend who loves Jesus and who has the gift of evangelism and healing). Testimonies were amazing. Many were healed! And because this was over Zoom, one of the ladies invited Dave and Nuno to go to her home during the week to meet other people and minister to them. All throughout the 13 days Dave was here we witnessed the Holy Spirit moving in amazing ways. People were healed and many came to saving faith in Jesus! We are so thankful and rejoicing with the work the Lord is doing here. Join us in praising Him! And pray for those who came to Jesus, that they keep close to Him, and grow their roots deep. Pray for strength and wisdom for us as we walk with these children of God.

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