William Tyas

Tyas October 2022

News from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community September 2022   From the notes of Ed and Gerry… Dear friends and family, Planning…That is what last month and this month up to this point have been like. It is exciting planning this fall because this year there seems to be more

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Lots of News!

So much happening at Abby’s Garden! We are so excited about the growth we’ve seen at Abby’s Garden in just a few months’ time. We have gained another employee, quadrupled the amount of kids (from 2-8!) and have moved into our own space! So much to be thankful for! I am making a trip to

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Everest Basecamp

Everest Basecamp We are blessed to be going with pastor Chhiring Sherpa to Everest Basecamp. We will Lord willing, have the opportunity to build relationships with the people of that rejoin and pray. Our hope is to be able to return in the off season and spend more time with the people in the Khumbu

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Goodbye USA

Goodbye USA Well, we had a great visit to Colorado and tomorrow September 13th we fly to Nepal! Lord willing, we should arrive Thursday morning September 15th. Thank you for your continued prayers for us as we embark on the next stage of our Christ journey. “God, the Lord is my strength…he makes me tread

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Off to Colorado

Prayer Requests Off to Colorado Please keep us in prayer as we are Colorado this week catching up with old friends and visiting pastors and churches before leaving for Nepal next Tuesday, September 13th. Ministry Updates In Good Hands “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are

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