From the Field

News and Updates from Be One Together

Exciting things happening!

June 4, 2020

Women aren’t the only people impacted by abortion decisions. Men are as well. Curtis and I began doing post-abortion couple’s counseling with a married couple in our community. We believe God is going to do a great work of healing in the couple’s life and marriage through these sessions. While Rachel has been leading women’s […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 1st June 2020

June 1, 2020

  Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, We hope this finds you well. We had an all night prayer on Saturday and it was such a blessing to all who joined. The ones who stayed up can testify that the Lord carried us through the night. As we read Acts, prayed, […]

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May Update for Team Shackelford 😎

May 28, 2020

  How is the global issue affecting us? Some of you have asked Julie or I how all of the “rules” of the global issue affecting us. Like most of you, we spend a lot of time together at the house. We can now visit a restaurant, have a friend/family over for a visit, do […]

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Ministry News – Ruben & Linda Torres – May 2020

May 26, 2020

  Ministry News Ruben & Linda Torres May 2020   “Give thanks in all circumstances.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Dear friends and prayer partners, Greetings from South Texas, We are in a “Stay home” State mandate, like most of the rest of the country. Churches, Nursing homes and hospitals are closed to visitors. All home […]

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Rev Wild Newsletter May 2020

May 21, 2020

  News from John and Barbara Wild May 2020     The limitations placed on each of us resulting from the Coronavirus have us mostly at home. Each Sunday I e-mail a short printed sermon to the people in our church. Once we can begin meeting in the building again, we’ll see where we are […]

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Tyas Family May 2020

May 12, 2020

News from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community May 2020   From the notes of Ed and Gerry…   ENCOURAGEMENT That is our theme for the month of May. Our life has been greatly simplified by this time in history. We have discovered that everyone we have connection with during these […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 11th May 2020

May 11, 2020

  Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, Hope you are all well. Thank you for praying with and for us. We are aware it is a strange season for everyone, but we are seeing our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness and love through it all. And He is working! The Holy Spirit is […]

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ATUALIDADES* from the Fosters: Finding Purpose in a Plague?

May 8, 2020

Dear Friends and Family, We are still healthy and unaware of anyone in our family who has contracted the virus. We are very grateful to the Lord for that blessing!! Please continue to pray for our son, Brian, who was laid-off from his job last month, as a result of the downturn in the economy. […]

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Overby Odyssey Update May 2020

May 7, 2020

Hello Friends and Family, Thank you so much for all of your prayers during this season of uncertainty. We have good news from our last update. Our school decided not to apply for the government subsidy which would put us on half time to help keep the school afloat. Also, the director’s letter was poorly […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 20th April 2020

April 21, 2020

  Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, This has been a very special time. We are all doing well by God ́s grace. We hope you are well too. Emergency state in Portugal was issued until 2nd May. We believe after that time things will slowly go back to their regular […]

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