From the Field
News and Updates from Be One Together
Abby’s Garden is open!!! More on that below because I’d like to take this opportunity to share a quick story which happened at We Belong recently (the after-school kids program I work with in Portland.) The kids were putting on puppet shows with some puppets and a theater they had created. A young girl whose […]
Read MoreTogether for His Kingdom, Krishna raj Bhatta Nepal Although it is not easy to share Christ for our Church planters because situations are not favorable for the gospel and some people are very much against the word of God and Christianity. But by the grace and the love of God, He is using us […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, We hope you are all doing well as you read this update. Thank you for praying with and for us. Our time away as a family was so refreshing. It was the first time we went with our puppy, Cheddar, and he did great and […]
Read MoreWe are so excited to be able to open Abby’s Garden sooner than expected! We decided to do a soft start, beginning with 3 or 4 children, one full-time employee, and one part-time employee. Divina, our director (pictured below) generously offered to open up space in her apartment so that we can open now!
Read MoreNews from Bob Carvajal Louisiana After Christmas I came down with the coronavirus. It must have been the omicron because I never got real sick. It just wore me out for over a week. Everything started up the second week but we suffered from the omicron attack. Click here to read more.
Read MoreServing in Oregon and preparing for Kandern, Germany Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Wow, this past month has been a whirlwind of activity. We have had a great time, and have seen God move in pretty cool ways. Here are some highlights of our comings and goings. Click here to read […]
Read MoreDear Friends and Family, We trust that your celebration of Resurrection Day was as much a blessing to you as ours was to us! Our Easter services at church were wonderful and a real encouragement! Oh, what a Savior!
Read MoreWe have been blessed with our fourth grandchild… Evelyn Rae Johnston On April 2nd, our daughter Melanie gave birth to her’s and Robert’s second child. Evelyn Rae Johnston joined her brother, Lynden and made their family of four entering it healthy and doing well. She weighed in at 6 pounds 11.2 ounces and measuring in […]
Read MoreMinistry News from Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Missionaries from across the US gathered in Dallas, TX for our Be One Together Conference March 31 – April 3 Providing Hope to the weary and burdened “I’ve been to other counselors, but they haven’t really helped- all I do is talk, but nothing really changes.” “I know […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, We hope this update finds you well. Our family and Vera’s were sick for the last 3 weeks, with covid. We are thankful that we were able to take care of each other, as the symptoms were moderate. Of course this brought some disruption to […]
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