From the Field
News and Updates from Be One Together
Reaching Women Please pray for our upcoming group training session on My 1st. We will be working with a group of predominantly Hindu women who are at risk due to unstable situations in their lives. We will be leading sessions on stress management, resilience, grief and loss, and trauma. Learning to Thrive Women’s Conference We […]
Read MoreDear praying friends and family, Lucy and I thank you for praying for our mission trip to Brazil. The conference at the Chinese retreat during Easter weekend was a great blessing. Over 200 people attended the 3-day conference. I had the privilege to teach John chapters 13-17 on the Upperrom discourse. Next, we visited Lucy’s […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal God loves Cartaxo! This is the statement presented at the entrance to our church building. It is the truth we wish for this people to discover and witness the way we live. “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” John 13:34 Click here to read […]
Read MoreServing Him in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel He has Risen… He has risen indeed. This past month and a half have just flown by with so many ups and downs in our work here in Kandern. Here are some of the highlights. Click here to read more.
Read MoreGod has secured cars for our time in SoCal !! Thank you to everyone who generously and sacrificially offered vehicles during our stay. We felt very cared for.
Read MoreNews from Bob Carvajal Louisiana Starting the New Year!! The busiest time of the year is between Halloween and New Year’s. But not in New Orleans. We have Valentines, Mardi Gras festivals, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter. Click here to read more
Read MoreGod’s blessings to you all for now! Perry and Sandy Rotenberger Missionaries Serving Christ in Idaho under Be One Together As this long winter comes to a close, at least in Idaho, things that go easy any other time of the year take so much longer. Just things like cutting firewood, feeding and […]
Read MorePrayers and Praise Praise: Praise God that we have 2-3 trainings for our business Learning to Thrive coming up in the next few weeks. We will be providing group training is suicide prevention, resilience, grief and loss, trauma, and stress management. We are traveling to Ilam in eastern Nepal from April 12-20. We will be […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, As we wrote in our last update, we were waiting on the Lord for a place in town to pray and worship. It was so amazing to see Him open a door that no one else could. We were given permission by the city […]
Read More“Jesus said: Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19) Dear friends and prayer partners, Happy Passover! As we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ, it is an excellent reminder that because He lives we have eternal life. Lucy and I appreciate your prayers for our quick mission trip to […]
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