From the Field

News and Updates from Be One Together

Carvajal October 2022

December 9, 2022

  News from Bob Carvajal Louisiana   Gearing up for the Fall! In August our whole schedule changes up because our students go back to school. September 24 we had a picnic at Fountainbleau state park, across the lake. Everybody who came had a great time. It was nice to enjoy the outdoors. Click here […]

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Something to Think About

December 9, 2022

Something to Think About

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Maybe Someone Can Relate?

December 9, 2022

Maybe someone can relate!? Have you ever had one of those days…??? You are driving around, getting some work done (using fuel that costs way too much), doing some grocery shopping (while noticing prices are steadily increasing), and feeling a bit anxious about how the bills will get paid this month or next??? Then when […]

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Wadsworth December 2022

December 9, 2022

This year’s Christmas Card for the nursing home residents is another popup done by Susan Winget. The residents really appreciate the decorative value as well as the Christmas theme.

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A Note from Our Ministry Leaders

December 9, 2022

Whew! 10 years have flown by! Fall of 2012 saw the paperwork filed for Be One Together and we knew we were stepping out in faith into roles God had prepared us for and yet not knowing all God had in mind. It was definitely a step of faith! Surprises came along the way: We […]

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A Note from Bob

December 8, 2022

Celebrating 55 years of ministry with the last 9 with Be One Together. Bob Carvajal, Louisiana, continues in youth ministry. Recently Bob celebrated his 75th birthday. A gentleman came to the party to see him with some friends. Bob didn’t remember him. The gentleman shared how Bob had shared the gospel with him. He has […]

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Cianelli Report November 2022

December 7, 2022

Dear brother, we would like to share the latest news. We ended the summer very excited about the results we achieved. It was months of hard work, especially for me Samuel who, in addition to being with the ministry at Surf Church, was also giving surf lessons.

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It runs in the family…

December 7, 2022

Blessed by parents who are/were missionaries!

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Born where?

December 6, 2022

Where were Be One Together missionaries born?

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B12G in the U.S.

December 5, 2022

Are there B1-2G missionaries in the US?

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