Missionary News

Overby Odyssey – March 2022

March 17, 2022

Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel   Every journey is like a mountain. The first half is the long climb up that feels like it will go on forever. Then there is the second half where you are rushing down towards the end, feeling like everything is going too fast. It seems like […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 14th March 2022

March 14, 2022

Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, On our March women’s meeting we were a nice group. Some of the women that were not coming for some time showed up, also a non believer (Sónia) who brought a muslim (Mahmudah) with her! Thanks for praying! The ways the Lord works are truly a […]

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Help Us Help Ukraine

March 13, 2022

Hello friends & family, We are planning another trip to Ukraine/Poland border to bring supplies and bring back refugees who have family here in Portugal. Since Kevin & Sam returned from there on Friday, we have praying and processing what to do next as a church family here in Vila do Conde.

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Join the Help!

March 13, 2022

JOIN THE HELP! P2P | Potential to Plant team is planning another trip to Ukraine/Poland border to bring supplies and bring back refugees who have family and friends here in Portugal. Since Kevin Janzen ( who serves with P2P | Potential to Plant and House Church Vila do Conde) & Sam Cianelli (who pastors Surf […]

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Moura’s Ministry Spring 2022

March 11, 2022

With love, joy, and profound gratitude for your partnership, Moises & Lucy Moura International Ministry Center Liaison   “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.” (Song of Songs 2:11-12) Dear friends and prayer partners, Though the world is in turmoil, […]

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Wadsworth March 2022

March 11, 2022

Spring is trying to arrive in Lingle Wyoming. We get warm days followed by cold and snow. But that is normal for here. I took this unique picture about 25 miles west of Lingle.

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Overby Odyssey Quick Update

March 4, 2022

Hello Everyone, We want to get a proper update out, but today we need to settle for a quick email to update you on a few items. Praises: 1. Stanley is doing much better, his foot is still a little tender, especially with the bandages taken off yesterday, but we are thankful for his quick […]

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Tyas March 2022 Newsletter

March 1, 2022

News from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community March 2022   From the notes of Ed and Gerry… Dear friends and family, This is what has been happening in our lives in the last couple of months. Click here to read more.

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 17th February 2022

February 17, 2022

Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, We hope you are all well and we thank you for your continued prayers and support. On our February women’s meeting we were very few, as some had covid. Neverthless, it was such a blessed time of learning, fellowship, sharing and prayer. Keep praying for […]

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Venturing Out!

February 16, 2022

Excited to share what God has been up to with P2P this past month.

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