Missionary News

Rhoadarmer 2/1/23

February 1, 2023

Ministry News of Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Faith Biblical Counseling Training 2023 New Hope Baptist Church is hosting a virtual group to attend this training this year. We will be meeting Feb. 12-17th. We will have a couple of people from New Hope attend as well as a couple fellow Be One Together Missionaries. We […]

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Good News!

January 28, 2023

Upcoming visit to Abby’s Garden You might be thinking “weren’t you just there?” Good memory! I was there about three months ago, back in early November. But when a friend sent a link for super cheap plane tickets for early February, I asked Ben (whose birthday is the 10th) if he wanted to go and […]

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Even the Little Things

January 26, 2023

Even the Little Things Peggy has been “nesting.” She’s been decorating our flat in Katmandu to feel more like our home. The other day she needed a piece of wire to hang a mirror she had just purchased. Now a piece of wire doesn’t sound like a big deal. Oh, how we take things for […]

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Change of Plans

January 12, 2023

Change of Plans We are in the second week of our Nepali language course. We spend at least five hours per day in language study. This includes the three-hour class Monday through Friday, a forty-five minute walk each way to class, and half hour of homework each day. Our instructor Ruth is exceptional, and we […]

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Please Pray

January 5, 2023

Please Pray Prayer Requests: Our language class, and the ability to learn the Nepali language. Our business. Our ability to go to school, build the business, and serve in ministry. The resources needed to accomplish what we are called to do in Nepal. Also, praise for God’s provision. For the incredible church growth in the […]

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Overby Odyssey New Year 2023

January 5, 2023

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Happy New Year! As we enter this new year, we are excited for what God has in store for our family. These first five months we have focused on settling in and getting our bearings in this new season. As we feel […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 4th January 2023

January 4, 2023

  Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, Happy New Year! We hope you had a beautiful holiday season with your loved ones. As a family, we had a busy and joyful season with family visiting. In the photo you can see my parents and one of my sisters, with her two […]

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Greg to Bangladesh January 1

December 31, 2022

Bangladesh January 1 – 17 Greg and his father, Craig, will be Training village pastors in Oral Bible Learning. What is Oral Bible Learning and why Bangladesh? Oral Bible Learning is: Communicating Scripture orally through story, followed by an interactive discussion so that the meaning reaches their hearts not just their minds. Bangladesh: Craig met […]

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Happy Anniversary!

December 29, 2022

Happy Anniversary! This New Year’s Eve December 31 is our thirty ninth wedding anniversary! We met in May of 1983, became an “item” in October of 1983, and were married on December 31, 1983. God has blessed us with a life of adventure. We are each other’s best friend as well as the love of […]

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ATUALIDADES from the Fosters: Happy New Year!

December 29, 2022

Dear Friends and Family, We trust that you enjoyed a very blessed Christmas, as did we! It was unseasonably cold but nevertheless a blessed Christmas celebration of Jesus’ birth. In contrast, we expect unseasonably warm temperatures for New Year’s Day! We want to wish you a very Happy New Year and pray that you will […]

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