So here’s the news. So I have chronic lung disease. Most likely from spending the first 10 years of my life in my parents dry-cleaning businesses The doctors three years ago, and the doctors now kept saying that it looks like a work related injury. But none of my jobs fit the bill then about […]
Read MoreOlá amigos e família! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Thank you for all the love and support this year. It has been a full year! Prayerfully stepping into the plans to open a café […]
Read MoreOlá amigos e família! The last few months have been so busy and full! We are excited to share all that the Lord is doing here in VIla do Conde! Together with our friends, the Khans who are also missionaries here we have successfully launched a community cafe in the heart of the old town. […]
Read MoreWe already miss him like crazy but he’s thriving where he’s at! Hanging out with the cousins and the grandparents, soaking up the Tim Hortons and…. I don’t know… maple syrup? If you see him around, give a big hug from us! ♥️ “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into […]
Read MoreUpdate from the Janzen Family Portugal
Read MoreHello Friends and Family! We’re so excited to share all that’s been happening with us this season. Lots of growth and learning and dreaming!
Read MoreUpdate from the Janzen Family Portugal
Read MoreMaybe someone can relate!? Have you ever had one of those days…??? You are driving around, getting some work done (using fuel that costs way too much), doing some grocery shopping (while noticing prices are steadily increasing), and feeling a bit anxious about how the bills will get paid this month or next??? Then when […]
Read MoreHey Friends, Please join us in Prayer. Two of the Ukrainian families (moms & kids), we helped settle here in Vila do Conde were notified a month or so ago that the place they were told they could live indefinitely, would no longer be available for them in the new year.
Read MoreHello friends & family, We are planning another trip to Ukraine/Poland border to bring supplies and bring back refugees who have family here in Portugal. Since Kevin & Sam returned from there on Friday, we have praying and processing what to do next as a church family here in Vila do Conde.
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