From the Field
News and Updates from Be One Together
Dear friends and prayer partners, My wife Luzimar and I are glorifying our God for his greatness and his immense caring love for us. As the text above says, our God who is our rock is faithful, just, and true. He deserves to be glorified because he always takes care of his children.
Read MoreServing Jesus in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Hello from Kandern, These first few months of school have just flown by. We just passed our 3 month mark of being in Germany, we are in week 9 of the school year, and we are starting to feel more settled in […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, Thank you for praying with us! Our women’s meeting was a very special gathering. We are studying the letter of James and this first meeting we talked about trials. This is a very timely topic as these women you see in the photo are all […]
Read MoreNews from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community September 2022 From the notes of Ed and Gerry… Dear friends and family, Planning…That is what last month and this month up to this point have been like. It is exciting planning this fall because this year there seems to be more […]
Read MoreSo much happening at Abby’s Garden! We are so excited about the growth we’ve seen at Abby’s Garden in just a few months’ time. We have gained another employee, quadrupled the amount of kids (from 2-8!) and have moved into our own space! So much to be thankful for! I am making a trip to […]
Read MoreEverest Basecamp We are blessed to be going with pastor Chhiring Sherpa to Everest Basecamp. We will Lord willing, have the opportunity to build relationships with the people of that rejoin and pray. Our hope is to be able to return in the off season and spend more time with the people in the Khumbu […]
Read MoreGoodbye USA Well, we had a great visit to Colorado and tomorrow September 13th we fly to Nepal! Lord willing, we should arrive Thursday morning September 15th. Thank you for your continued prayers for us as we embark on the next stage of our Christ journey. “God, the Lord is my strength…he makes me tread […]
Read MoreIn my last letter I mentioned I had begun working for a mission called Be One Together. Today I would like to tell you more about the mission.
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