Rotenberger November 2022

Things are chilling down here in Idaho, and snow will be right around the corner.

This year started with us travelling to Texas/Mexico for a mission trip with a ministry called Netmenders. We spent a week and a half helping to build a church in Del Rio, Mexico.  Sandy was in charge of a festival and medical clinic in Progresso, Mexico, where the team set up games, served food, and held a medical clinic for those in need.  On our drive back to Idaho, we stopped to visit a pastor and his wife in Houston, TX, and shared/visited with the Bethel Mennonite Church congregation in Hydro, OK.

Throughout the year, Perry had, and continues to have, the privilege of preaching at about five small churches when the need arises, and we fellowship and love on the people at these churches. We also visit with people in our area on personal issues and offer whatever advice we can, as well as continue to support a long-time friend who is in prison.

Sandy was blessed by being able to help with Vacation Bible School at the Inkom Community Bible Church in Idaho and Junior High week at Old Faithful Christian Ranch in Idaho.

The big project this year, and part of last year, has been the building of a tiny house, with a few additions, for Brenda Wood, the Program Director of Old Faithful Christian Ranch.  About three and a half years ago, Brenda’s father passed away from a heart attack, leaving her in a home that is falling down around her. Since then, we have been working with her to take care of her needs.  Some people came together to fill her need for better housing. Money was raised, and preparation for building a tiny house began.  After much cleanup and preparing of the site for this house last year, the building began this summer. The deck was built here at our house in Idaho Falls and was then moved to Driggs, Idaho, to the site on her family’s property for the rest of the construction.  We had a small mission team from Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Idaho come in July to help frame up the main part of the house (Bob Laubach and Phil Hange from PA).  We also had a family from Oklahoma come to help the week after that with the framing of an addition. Others then came from this area to help with other parts of the building. At this present time, the outside of the house is basically complete, which is a good thing since winter can come upon Driggs, Idaho, anytime now.  We are hoping to have Brenda in her house by the end of November.

Larger projects for upcoming ministry are:

We will be going back down to Mexico at the end of January and beginning of February to help the Netmenders ministry again to build another church and do other projects. They are in need of more people to help. If anyone wants to join us on this mission trip, February 6th to the 10th, please feel free to contact us.

Shortly after that trip, we will be in Pennsylvania to help a pastor and his wife with a small remodeling project.

The Lord might bring other projects our way that we are currently unaware of!



God’s blessings to you all for now!
Perry and Sandy Rotenberger
Missionaries Serving Christ in Idaho under Be One Together

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