Missionary News

Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 13th June 2022

June 13, 2022

Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, Thank you for praying with us! May was a full month, with some guests/family visiting. We are happy to see our church family to grow in unity and also in maturity. There are some people who want to be baptized, and we are planning to […]

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Wadsworth June News

June 3, 2022

June 2022 Wade’s News Report New Life for a Horse Trainer Years ago, I met a horse trainer, Brian (not his real name) who had lived and worked in California, Texas and Wyoming. We were casual acquaintances until a mutual friend told me Brian’s wife had died. This happened about the same time April passed […]

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Kentucky or Bust!

June 1, 2022

Ministry Update of Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Next week, June 5th-11th, we are headed to Bear Branch, Kentucky with a van full of teenagers! Please be praying for the 11 (3 adults, 8 teens) who will be attending Big Creek Missions next week. We will either be working with kids at Day Camps- or working […]

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Cianelli June 2022

June 1, 2022

Update from Sam and Claudia Portugal Hello dear friend, these last few days and months have been very busy, full of challenges and joys. Since the beginning of the year, we have been looking to the Lord to know which direction we should take as a church. We are studying Paul´s letters and it is […]

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We are Almost There

May 26, 2022

Hello Everyone, I want to keep things short here, with a couple of praises and prayer requests. Our meet and greet at Good Shepherd was a huge success. We did not know if we would have 2 or 20 people show up. God brought 30 people to the gathering, and we even had to pull […]

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Brandy’s Blessings Spring 2022

May 24, 2022

Dear friends and family, I had the privilege of joining 30+ Be One Together missionaries for a hybrid conference in early April. It was wonderful to see familiar faces whom I had missed and personally meet new people who already feel like family. My privilege before the Lord is to serve these missionaries. Click here […]

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Abby’s Garden is Open!!!

May 23, 2022

Abby’s Garden is open!!! More on that below because I’d like to take this opportunity to share a quick story which happened at We Belong recently (the after-school kids program I work with in Portland.) The kids were putting on puppet shows with some puppets and a theater they had created. A young girl whose […]

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Gospel of Grace Keeps Changing Hearts

May 23, 2022

Together for His Kingdom, Krishna raj Bhatta Nepal   Although it is not easy to share Christ for our Church planters because situations are not favorable for the gospel and some people are very much against the word of God and Christianity. But by the grace and the love of God, He is using us […]

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Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 13th May 2022

May 13, 2022

Update from Nuno and Gila Portugal   Dear praying friends, We hope you are all doing well as you read this update. Thank you for praying with and for us. Our time away as a family was so refreshing. It was the first time we went with our puppy, Cheddar, and he did great and […]

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Abby’s Garden Is Opening on May 4th!!!

May 1, 2022

We are so excited to be able to open Abby’s Garden sooner than expected! We decided to do a soft start, beginning with 3 or 4 children, one full-time employee, and one part-time employee. Divina, our director (pictured below) generously offered to open up space in her apartment so that we can open now!

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