Retooling for Christ


God’s blessings to you all for now!
Perry and Sandy Rotenberger
Missionaries Serving Christ in Idaho under Be One Together

All the Glory Goes to God!

It is amazing to me that it has been twenty-six years since the Lord called us from Pennsylvania to minister full-time for Him here in Idaho! It has been such a blessing to serve God here and everywhere else He has used us so far. We look so forward to what the future holds and how God will allow us to be part of His work. We love being involved with others who love the Lord and see how God can use all of us for His purpose. But, when He is using us and things are going great, it is so easy to get carried away in the moment and allow some of the honor and glory, that belongs to Him, to fall on ourselves. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NASB) Paul is writing to the believers in Corinth about eating meat that was sacrificed to idols. At the end of this verse, Paul sums up our whole lives by finishing with, “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This is a great reminder that in everything that God has us doing, and involved in, that ALL the glory belongs to God! Since every one of us that have given our lives to Jesus Christ are full time missionaries in this world that we live in, then we should be serving Him and giving the glory to Him every day. So, as you read through the rest of this newsletter and see the great things that God has allowed us to be part of this past year, remember that it was all done by and through Him! To our God be the glory, great things He has done and will continue to do! Amen!

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