Weaver Summer 2022 Update

and just like that… She is moved.

Our family has just returned from the most EPIC Weaver summer up to date. It is beyond words how grateful we all are to have been given the gift to launch Makayla into her new home to start her adult years. So with that, we wanted to provide her with a space to share, in her own words, her heart during this season. Thank you for being FAITHFUL people to walk with her all these years.

Greg gave one last lesson in making Jambalaya in Makayla’s new home (living with the generous, loving Schaefer family).

Written by: Makayla Weaver
This summer has been filled with God sightings, especially in the challenging moments of realizing I would be leaving my family and then, post-leaving, missing them a lot. For example, seeing friends and family that I hadn’t seen in a long time and reconnecting well with them was super encouraging. The insane amount of financial support that has come from them has been shocking and such a huge blessing. Then, meeting new people like Uncle Bob and Rocky, re-meeting the McKays, people that have been praying for my family and me longer than I’ve been alive, was such a God sighting.

Then all the time laughing (and crying) with my family this summer was incredible, something I will always be grateful for. I really enjoyed the times I spent messing around with my siblings, growing my relationship with my Dad, and having mom/daughter dates (even if it meant going to the store😉). The road trip was such a blessing as well; we got to see God’s incredible creation while also meeting people with interesting stories. We also got to laugh (and sleep and moan) at how insanely hot it gets in an RV. Each day was absolutely filled with God sightings.

Once in Texas, the Schaefers (the family I live with) were so good at helping me get situated and making it a fun, celebratory time for my family. It was terrific (while slightly stressful) to have my family help set up my room, look for cars, and pray for a community and a job. While sad at times, it was such a blessing to have them here for the first two weeks and show them what my life would be like.

Once they left, it was incredibly hard, but God showed up every day, saying He’s got me and will take care of me. For instance, the day my family left, a couple at church offered to teach me how to drive. One of their daughters took me to UTA (University of Arlington) to get some clearer answers. The other daughter helped me find a good driving program. I met a few college students and went to their community group (and watched The Chosen, which is always a plus). I got two jobs, one at Righteous Coffee (at the church) and another full-time at Chipotle; plus picking up some editing jobs. This isn’t even everything; God has, is, and will continue to do so much more than I could ever imagine.

So while this summer had it’s up and downs like everything else in life, God has continuously made it abundantly clear that this is where I’m supposed to be and that there are countless people praying for me that I can turn to, to ask for help and guidance, or just to talk to if I feel like it. God is good and always gives us sightings of Him if we look carefully enough. But I didn’t even need to look because they were everywhere.

God was up to some crazy God-sized goodness this summer with Surf Church Porto. It is So fun to be able to share what God is doing here, in Porto, Portugal.

  • Surf Church Porto was in need of a new (to them) 9-passenger van. GOD has supplied a 9-passenger 2007 Citroen Jumper van!! This van is VITAL for the ongoing surf ministry and the two Surf Camps that will run at the end of this summer.
  • Surf Church Porto was in desperate need of new wetsuits and boards to aid in the Surf Camp ministry this Aug/Sept and surf ministries. GOD has supplied NEW wetsuits and boards through Genesis Collective (they were there in Porto leading a Young Leaders conference). This equipment was crucial for this year’s Surf Camps. We are so grateful for others’ generosity!!
  • Surf Church Porto has TWO new young deacons; Kadu and Abraao. They are stepping up and really engaging in the local communities. They have had summer camps with young people, started a new bible study, and been helping out in TONS of ways with SCP! (And Greg’s dad, Craig Weaver has been training them in the art of Storytelling!)
  • SCP will have had 4 interns by the end of this summer.
  • The Women’s ministry, W.A.V.E. , just had it’s FIRST garage sale to help raise funds. Lots of great connections were made within the community!!!
  • Our sending organization, Be One Together, was able to come visit SCP plus other workers here in Portugal. What a great time of encouragement for all!
  • The back of the building and gate has had old paint chipped away and new paint is on! This was done by those in the church. Such a beautiful reminder that the people at Surf Church Porto have been given a heart to come together and serve together.

All of these things God has provided in such a way where He gets all the GLORY! It is an honor to see how God invites His church to be conduits of His grace and mercy and generosity!!!


Here are some quick prayer requests:

  • Surf Camp August 26- Sept 4
  • Surf Camp Sept 16-24
  • Train the Trainers Course for P2P future trainers will happen Oct 3-6

Some important needs:

  • SCP is still raising funds to cover the van purchase. This van helps make the weekly surf ministry possible, plus aids in other opportunities to serve others in the community.
  • 450 Euros for replacing the garage door opener (this is extremely important for the security of property, surf equipment, new van, and worship equipment).
  • If the Lord leads you to donate to these needs directly, click on either the button for the Van Fundraiser or the Surf Church Porto button (for building/ministry items).

God is clearly establishing His church and continuing to pour out His lavishing love!
Thank you so much for all your love and continued prayers.



Greg and Jen Weaver

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