We Can’t Believe it is July

The last few months have just screamed by and even this last year. We are just as busy with ministry as we were in Germany and still ministering there even from the PNW! And now, this next week I, Shack, will be teaching the Word at Camp Morrow where we have served for over 30 years in the past. We are using Livestream as the platform for our services to be shared and God is using that! We know of haus groups meeting in Pakistan, India, Africa, Italy, German, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, and several other states. To God Be The Glory!

We are going through Revelation each Sunday night and you are welcome to join us in person, live on Livestream or when it fits your schedule. Link provided below.

The Rejuvenation Ministry Center…RMC Global

Inside this little 13’x19′ room, we have 32 people that come on Sunday night for our worship service. As well as we have an overflow of people (8) in our living room. This last week, Julie and I rearranged my office and now we can get 15 people in there as well. We know there are others that want to come.

Our prayer is that those seats will be filled soon as well. We have started looking for a new place to host the RMC and to date, nothing is available. We still have 18 haus groups watching weekly online and about 12 homes watching in the Portland/Gresham and St Helens area that we know of.

A glimpse into the office space

I know, can you believe my desk is actually cleaned up…and the goal is to fill this place with more people that want to grow in the WORD. Verse by verse through Revelation!

Bible studies we are doing…

Both Julie and I are leading multiple Bible studies weekly. Julie is doing one online with ladies in Germany each Wednesday and then leads one on Revelation online with a former RMC gal in D.C. Two more on Thursdays here at the RMC Haus. I have one on Thursday and Friday.

Camps this summer…

I will be speaking at Camp Morrow at their Jr High camp, July 3-8 and then at Camp Risen Son on the Oregon coast July 23-28. Pray for the hearts of the campers/staff to be open to His Word!

At Camp Morrow I will teach on “God is…” focusing on His character and looking at John 1-4. At Camp Risen Son, we will be looking at, “Living to Leave a Legacy” and how our lives leave a legacy for God or ourselves. Pray for hearts to receive His Word!

Prayer Needs

Continue to pray that the Lord would use us for His glory, pray as we are at camp this July, teaching weekly on Sunday nights and mid week, our commitment to each other and support to financially serve Him. Thank you for your prayers and those that do give! We are blessed by you!

Serving together


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