W.A.C.A – unstable ground

Hope in the midst…

I, Jen, returned back to Portugal a few days ago. I joined Greg and our 3 other TeamWorks team members for a week. Greg and our boss (and dear friend!) Marijke had been in another location within West Asia Central Asia (W.A.C.A.) the week prior.

We had been invited in to journey with them for 9-12 months for team development. In the beginning of the fall of 2024 they were having shifts and merges within the organization these workers are under. However, in these past months much has changed, shifted yet again, and a cloud of unknown has seemed to loom about them.

Many foreigners, not just within this organization but across this country, have had their visa renewals denied. Some have had short term renewal (3 months, 6 months, 9 months)… and there seems to be no clear pattern on the ‘why’. This along with living in a C.A.N. (creative access nation) has increased uncertainty, stress, tiredness and decreased in hope. This is not a new season to them nor many other workers around the world, but it is a season that grows wearisome and real affects trickle down in the heart. These people have planted themselves deep into the culture… they are known and cared for by many nationals, and the loss of relationship is another pain on top of ministries shutting down and closing doors.

We had come to help teams grow in trust, emotional intelligence, cultural competencies, conflict resolution, and active listening … however it became clear that we were also there to be conduits of grace, mercy, to actively listen to the layers of loss, grief, and tiredness so many of these faithful workers were in.

I share this, but also holding sacred the many tender stories shared with us personally, to ask to please pray for these workers… and the other workers around the world. I am sure many of you have found yourselves in seasons of uncertainty and can remember the feeling of loss and confusion. Pray for the workers that live in that mental state for months, years even… never really sure what or how to hope, let alone plan out a one year plan.

It is so easy to long for stability and certainty; so easy for our hope to be in those things. However, it is with great comfort and challenge to allow our mind to be renewed to the reality that our hope is in Christ … Christ alone. He is the only one that can steady hearts and minds. It is His character that allows us to find the strength to have our minds present, releasing our burdens (now and future) to Him as an offering of submission to Him.

Lord, hear our prayers

TeamWorks founders and trainers, John and Karen Zilen have ran the race well. This time concludes their active training of TeamWorks, with the official handoff to Marijke Kuo to carry it forward. John and Karen have been a team in the ‘m’ world for decades now. It is an honor and privilege to have learned and served with them… may we honor the legacy of Seeing and Hearing People as God does.

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  • Amazing time of connection with the workers in W.A.C.A
  • Able to learn, implement, and discuss future updating for the Module 2 of TeamWorks
  • Seems to be a future way forward for Greg and I both to continue serving and journeying with other Team Workers around the world
  • Successful time of learning from the Founders and growing in how we can serve with Marijke (both so excited and love this type of work).
  • Greg was officially accepted into the ILCA (International Leadership Coaching Academy) for an 18 month study and development in coaching. (more info to come on that in the coming weeks).

Prayer Requests:

  • For the workers in W.A.C.A – unstability, uncertainty, closing ministries, possible moves, saying goodbye to teammates and local relationships.
  • Further development of Modules 1 & 2 for TeamWorks
  • Our family’s coming move within Portugal
  • Continued creative solutions for meeting our financial gap
  • Many of our house church friends are traveling, in transition, and praying through major moves. Pray for God’s clear direction in this season of their lives.
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