
Overby Odyssey June 2024

June 27, 2024

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Summer Greetings from Kandern, Germany, And just like that, another school year is completed. The last 6 weeks of school felt like an amusement ride that kept getting faster and faster as we approached the final launch. That launch culminated at the […]

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Foster Care and Sickness

May 6, 2024

Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for your prayers this past weekend. We wanted to give you a quick update on how we are doing. Apologies for those who are a bit squeamish, I will try to avoid any details. For those who missed the first email, on Thursday last week we took in three […]

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Overby Odyssey Easter 2024

April 2, 2024

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Er ist Auferstanden! Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden! He has risen! He has risen indeed! Spring and Easter have arrived, and life has begun to ramp up around here, although it seems as if we are always moving at 1000 miles per hour. […]

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Overby Odyssey February 2024

February 19, 2024

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Greetings partners in ministry! A lot of life is about plodding along, and continuing to faithfully do what God has called you to do. That has been much of the past month and a half for us. It hasn’t been easy, but […]

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Overby Odyssey Christmas 2023

December 26, 2023

From Kandern Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Merry Christmas from our family to yours! It has been a crazy last 7 weeks for our family, but we are thankful for God’s provision, and how He meets us where we are at. Our last update ended with us bringing in a new […]

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Overby Odyssey October 2023

October 11, 2023

Hello Everyone, Will you pray for us? We are experiencing Satan’s attacks on our family and home as we are being hit by several things at the same time. So much has happened in the last two months. The ministry here is going very well. We’re serving in many capacities both at home, at BFA […]

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Overby Odyssey August 2023

August 9, 2023

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel As we enter August we are thankful for the summer we have had so far. At the beginning of the summer, we desired this to be a summer of Sabbath rest after the stress of the last few years. God was able […]

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Overby Odyssey July 2023

July 4, 2023

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Summer is here, Wow, we have been here for almost a year. We are so thankful for where God has placed us, but it has also been a trying year with many challenges along the way. During the year we have learned […]

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Overby Odyssey May 2023

June 2, 2023

Hello Everyone, We don’t have time to write a full update right now, but we wanted to share a few immediate praises and prayer requests.

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Overby Odyssey April 2023

April 20, 2023

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel He has Risen… He has risen indeed. This past month and a half have just flown by with so many ups and downs in our work here in Kandern. Here are some of the highlights. Click here to read more.

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