Update from Isabel Fernandes Portugal Queridos irmãos e amigos: Chegamos a 2025 cheios de gratidão! Isto não significa que tudo aconteceu como queríamos, mas em todas as coisas, quer estejamos com as mãos cheias ou vazias, somos mais do que vencedores, por meio daquele que nos amou. A igreja Batista do Cartaxo deu os primeiros […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal Dear brothers, sisters, and friends, We arrived to 2025 full of gratitude! This does not mean that everything has happened as we wished, but in everything, whether our hands are full or empty, we are more than winners through the One who loved us all. The Baptist Church in Cartaxo […]
Read MoreTHE BEGINNING It all started as a dream. In 1987, Deise and I arrived to Portugal. We worked for one year as interns at Word of Life Portugal in the area of sharing the Gospel and discipleship. In 1989, Deise and I were sent as missionaries by our local churches, as assistants in church planting […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal One and a half million people, youth from many different nations arrived to Lisbon in August to hear Pope Francis. I was surprised by the singularity of many things, eyes drawn to pretty words, words of social welfare, but words which were empty of the essence of Jesus Christ. The […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal God loves Cartaxo! This is the statement presented at the entrance to our church building. It is the truth we wish for this people to discover and witness the way we live. “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” John 13:34 Click here to read […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal To recycle is essential to the balance of the world. It is a practice which is also becoming urgent in missionary work. In this context we have been more sensitive to a rapidly changing world, to cultural differences and new trends. Meanwhile. we are certain that unless the Lord […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal We can look back, raise our hands and voices and say: The Lord has done great things for us and that is why we rejoice. Psalms 126.3 The Christmas carol was a time to celebrate and the greatest joy ever. We were also challenged by the announcement of the angels […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal Sometimes God leads us to people, sometimes He brings them to us. I believe that God brought us Tatiana. She is a young woman who is selling fruit and vegetables at the Market, right beside where I expose my products. For more than once, we have talked about […]
Read MoreUpdate from Isabel Fernandes Portugal Cartaxo, Sometimes we run out of ideas and reach a point of exhaustion in the fight to understand how we can reach to the heart of the people here in Portugal. It looks like everyone is asleep and, no matter our efforts and creativity you will not reach […]
Read MoreIn Him and for Him, Isabel Fernandes Portugal Ever since I found salvation, I have understood how urgent and important it is to preach the Gospel. In my innocence I believed that people would easily believe in an enthusiastic way. Throughout my walk, the Lord has showed me that things are not like […]
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