Summer Ministry Update 6/18/24

Shepherds’ Wives Conference

A conference just for Shepherds’ Wives? Yes, please! Rachel and her mom, Mary Pinkerton, were able to attend the 2nd Annual Shepherds’ Wives Conference last week in Jacksonville, FL. It was one of the most edifying conferences Rachel has been to. The conference was full of expositional teaching through God’s word on topics such as: Encouraging our Pastor Husbands, Biblically loving the ladies in your church, The Tongue: a blessing or a curse, Discouragement & Loneliness, Coming along the Sinning Shepherd, Loving your Neighbor Well, Shelf Life: Waiting well in the Waiting Time, and others. If you are a Ministry Wife- or you know a Ministry Wife I would greatly encourage you to look at attending the conference next year in Glenpool, OK June 26-28.

You can also watch/listen to the teachings for free here:

Christian Youth In Action

Noah and Hannah are in the throes of 5 Day Bible Clubs. Please specifically pray for the following 3 things: 1) Their own Personal Spiritual Growth 2) The kids they teach will hear and respond to the Gospel and 3) For their financial Support. Each have a goal of raising $1,500 this summer. You can support them at:

Hannah was asked to share at the Commissioning Service at the end of their CYIA Training week. You can watch it here:

Biblical Counseling

It’s always exciting when a Counselee “Graduates.” This means they have covered the topics of personal growth needed for their particular struggles and are experiencing growth in them. They also have appropriate tools to help them continue growing. Rachel Graduated a teenage Counselee at the beginning of June and anticipates graduating an adult Counselee at the end of June.

Many of our Counselees come as a referral from someone we’ve counseled. Curtis began counseling a young adult last week, and Rachel will begin counseling 2 women (one of them a teenager) this week. All three of them come as referrals from previous counselees. When God uses Biblical Counseling to transform a life- word spreads! We are thankful to God for bringing people to our ministry who need both Hope and Help from God’s word. Pray that we will be faithful to teaching HIS WORD and that we would be humble and rely on HIS WISDOM.

We would be unable to do the ministry without Your Prayers and Financial Support. Your support covered the cost of Rachel’s conference, the materials we use for our Counseling sessions, mileage to and fro, and the time we spend with Counselee’s who otherwise would not be able to afford the help they so desperately need.

Thank you!

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