Overby Odyssey Update May 2020

Hello Friends and Family,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers during this season of uncertainty. We have good news from our last update. Our school decided not to apply for the government subsidy which would put us on half time to help keep the school afloat. Also, the director’s letter was poorly worded in that cutting our pay to 50% was not a possibility. But, given the uncertainties of these days, we would still appreciate your prayers, because when the dust has settled, we don’t know how many of the parents will still be able to afford the tuition of a private school.

This last month has been bittersweet for our family, as we are sure it has been for many of you. We have missed seeing our friends, especially from church. We have had a lot of fun time as a family, but also a lot of conflicts. The kids have enjoyed being at home, but they miss seeing their friends and the familiarity of the school routine. One day we were going out for a drive, and we decided to drive past Stuart’s school, and he started to squeal with delight as soon as he realized where we were. Stanley and Holly even had to cover their ears, if that helps you picture how loud and happy he was.

During this time, we have continued with our Monday night Bible study via Google Hangouts which has been a blessing. We have had several former members of our study attend, and some other friends in Weimar who are usually busy Monday night also attend. We are currently reading through the book of Hebrews, and this next week (May 11) we will read Hebrews 5. We were encouraged by Hebrews 3:13 where it says, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” In this time is it so important to be encouraging one another to continue to walk in faith. Scott has also tried his hand in vlogs as he has been stopping to record his “Thoughts on the run” during some of his runs. He has been able to log more miles this last month, than any month since 2016. If you want to watch some of his videos, check out our YouTube channel here.

Unfortunately, we have temporarily suspended our Sunday Youth Bible as it takes place during dinner time. The English Camp we were planning for this summer has also been canceled, and hopefully will be able to take place in Summer 2021. That would also be the summer we visit Oregon (and Scott’s 20-year high school reunion), but we don’t know what next year will look like.

We have been able to utilize our car God gifted us to take some meals and treats to friends. Heather also tried to help an international mom from South Africa as a doula (birth coach) but the hospital would not let her be with the mom until the mom was in the delivery room, but that was when the dad was going to be there. We have also been able to take several little outings as a family to get out into the woods for short hikes. Last weekend, we even visited three neighboring castles called the “Drei Gleichen.”

This past week our school has started to reopen, with half of the students from grades 9, 10 and 11 coming in every other day on a rotating basis. Holly will start again next week with grades 4 and 5, then Stanley some week in the future. All of the transitions have been difficult for Scott, as he begins to find a routine and then has to change again. We also don’t know what tomorrow holds and if we will all have to go back into quarantine. Stuart hopefully will go back half time next week, but Samuel will probably not be back for the rest of the academic year. Pray for a smooth and healthy transition for everyone.

  • Here are some other highlights from the past Month+.
  • 3 (going on 4) birthdays. Holly, Stanley, Scott (and soon Heather’s)
  • Easter, and we missed not having internationals joining us.
  • Getting out in nature to go Geocaching or just walk as a family.
  • Disney day, where we rode Disney rides virtually, listened to Disney music, and ate Disney inspired food.
  • Meals and Camping on the back patio
  • Rearranging Holly’s room
  • Church services from our living room (our German church, Minno children’s church, and GSCC service)
  • Playing in the backyard with neighbors and Holly’s neighborhood ballet performance

Click here for pictures from the last month.

  • In closing, here are some specific prayer requests and praises.
  • Praise for a car and how God provided
  • Praise for work and God providing for our family
  • Prayer to trust God in the uncertainties the future holds and to walk by faith.
  • Prayer for our church to find a time and date for a future English Camp
  • Please pray for our family and patience as we continue to navigate being parents, a teacher, moderators for kids working at home, therapist, and all those normal and extra rolls that parents have to become nowadays. Heather especially is taking on a lot of extra responsibilities with all this.
  • Prayer for many of our people in our ministry here who are struggling right now
  • Prayer for our foster care role, as it looks like we might act as emergency respite care for a newborn whose mom is struggling right now.

Thank you again for praying, and please let us know if there is anything you would like us to pray for you.


Serving God in Weimar Germany,
Scott, Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel

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