Overby Odyssey Quick Update

Hello Everyone,

We want to get a proper update out, but today we need to settle for a quick email to update you on a few items.

1. Stanley is doing much better, his foot is still a little tender, especially with the bandages taken off yesterday, but we are thankful for his quick recovery. Thank you for your prayers!

2. Support raising is going well. We have had some amazing conversations, new supporters, and even a few unsolicited new supporters!

3. We had some friends over on Saturday to film promotional videos for our family. We are so thankful for this gift and look forward to sharing the final results with you soon.

4. I am continually thankful for being able to work 67% time at Barlow. What a huge blessing.


1. We are currently driving to Bend, OR where the kids will stay with Nana and G’pa and we will attend the Family Life Weekend to Remember in Sunriver. Please pray for a great weekend of growth and a stronger relationship. Please also pray for health as Samuel is feeling under the weather.

2. Housing in Kandern. We thought we had a house lined up that sounded absolutely perfect, but that fell through. Please pray for the right place. We want a house with 5 bedrooms, a large living room for having groups over, and within walking/biking distance of BFA.

3. Safe travels this month. We are traveling to Nevada March 18-24, and Texas March 30-April 3.

4. Continued prayer for the support raising process. We would like to be fully funded by the beginning of May, and fly to Germany July 15. This requires lots of conversations and visits to churches. Please pray for these conversations, and ask God if you might be part of our team investing in the work God has called us to.

Thank you for praying,
Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel

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