Overby Odyssey May 2023

Hello Everyone,

We don’t have time to write a full update right now, but we wanted to share a few immediate praises and prayer requests.


  1. After 10 months of bureaucracy, Heather was informed that our Visas have been approved and we should be able to pick them up in a few weeks. This is a huge relief for us.
  2. Heather had a great birthday celebration and was reminded how much support and love she has in our communities all over the world.
  3. The school year is almost over and time for a summer break is in sight.
  4. We have not been needed for short term foster care which was an extra burden we have not been ready to bear right now.
  5. Yesterday our car battery died and we couldn’t get it to jump start. Heather was able to call someone to come out today and he was able to get it started and we took it to a shop and everything checked out in working order. We are thankful for a car that runs. We needed it to get to nine dental/orthodontist/oral surgeon appointments this week.


  1. Stanley sprained his ankle again and has been in a lot of pain. (Last year he had an emergency surgery on the same ankle.) We need wisdom in how to immobilize it (and our active teenager) so that it can heal.
  2. Holly is very anxious about oral surgery and the trajectory of her journey to straight teeth. It requires endless appointments and a lot of pain. (She has already had multiple teeth extracted.)
  3. Pray for resolution to the kitchen fire and that the repairs can be made soon.
  4. Pray for someone to watch our kids in September while Heather and I get a week away together.
  5. That we will be able to find deep meaningful rest this summer after over two years of intense transitions.
  6. BFA is still looking to fill a few more positions (especially RAs). Pray that the right people will respond to the call and be able to be here by August.

Upcoming Dates.

I know there are some of you who like to pray over specific upcoming events and milestones. Here are a few of those.

  • June 2-4: I am traveling to Weimar to attend the graduation ceremony at my previous school, and to visit a few friends including our church in Weimar.
  • June 7: Last day of school for BFA students
  • June 14: Last day of work for me.
  • June 19-28: Stanley and I are hoping to take a long bike trip to Weimar (we want to be in Weimar June 24-28). However, with his ankle and our fitness levels there is some doubt in what this will look like, but Stanley is super excited about this Father-Son trip.
  • June 30: Last day of school for Samuel.
  • July 26: Last day of school for Stuart. (that’s right, July 26 as the schools in our state go really late.)
  • August 18: Scott starts work for the new school year.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We see how God is using your prayers to carry us through the challenges we face.

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany,

Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel

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