Here, there, and everywhere in between…


Greg has now been in WEST ASIA for the past week working alongside our boss and colleague with a combined ministry team (3 teams in 1 – fun times!). Greg and M, our amazing boss, have just finished teaching the training for TeamWorks Module 1 with this group.

I, Jen, will be flying out on Tuesday May 14 to join these two along with another couple who are the founders of the TeamWorks 9-12 month program. Greg and I will get to experience and interact with Module 2 with a different combined team (again various smaller ministry teams connected as one larger group). We are very grateful for the opportunity to be invited in to journey with these team members. We pray that TeamWorks staff will be a conduit of grace and mercy; seeking to support, equip, and empower those on the frontlines in West Asia.

I will return to Portugal May 22 and Greg will join us once again on May 28.

Please keep our team in prayer as serve these various teams. May our love not be a clanging gong but an invitation into peace, restoration, and hope.

Connect with us!


Our family hit the ground running once we were in Portugal. It has been so good to catch up with those we call family this side of the ocean. We are continuing to dig into Gospel Fluency and wrestling with Gospel in every area of our lives… this is a tender time but such a fruitful time. We thank the Lord for this community. And though we never know how long this season will last, we hold dear to the honor it is to be with these people in this part of their story, in this part of our story, in this part of God’s story.

Thank you for your prayers and support to make this happen.


The above is TeamWorks grounding verses that we use throughout to help our hearts focus in what the Lord has called us into and the freedom of being united together in the Spirit of Christ.

Prayer Requests:
THERE: West Asia Team Trainings- Trust, Communication, Conflict resolution

HERE: Discipleship within the North of Portugal, for our family move (25 min north), Greg’s parents as they watch Zeke and Zoey this coming week.

EVERYWHERE: For our various teams with TeamWorks during their 9-12 month program. For the other ‘m’ workers Greg and I care for as Be One Together Liasons in Germany, Nepal, Africa, and USA.

Connect with us!


Greg and Jen Weaver

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