This was one of the many positive responses from the Art of Marriage Conference we hosted last weekend. We had 10 couple participate- 4 of them from outside our church. Two of those couples are currently without a church at all.Please continue praying for these couples as God works in their marriages.
Last week Rachel began a new 13 week session of Grief Share. She currently has three participants- one is un-churched and most likely not a Jesus follower. Please be praying for “A.”
This ministry was highlighted in the Chronicle-Tribune newspaper on the front page last Saturday. It was a well done article and we are excited to see how God might use it to further His kingdom.

We were able to attend our third year, “Track 3,” of the Biblical Counseling Conference. This is always such a valuable training and we are thankful to the donors that make it possible for us to attend each year. It is a time of great growth, encouragement, and conviction both personally and for ministry purposes. We are praying about taking a team of people through the “Track 1” training this year to help train others how to do discipleship at close range.
THANK YOU for all your prayers and financial support! YOU are partnering with a vital and exciting ministry. God is moving in the lives of people in Grant County. He is transforming lives with the power of His Gospel and YOU are a BIG part of that. THANK YOU!
Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer