From the Field
News and Updates from Be One Together
Recently we reflected on the past year, as many of us do at the dawn of a new one. It was so encouraging to realize how much we’d grown in the space of one year! We increased from 8 to 13 kids, doubled our staff from two to four, and more than doubled our monthly […]
Read MoreUpdate from Nuno and Gila Portugal Dear praying friends, We start this new year with very good news! Bento and Miguel were baptized today! It was such a beautiful moment and our hearts are filled with joy as we witness the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of these two Portuguese men. Rejoice […]
Read MoreHello friends! Here are some of the highlights over the past couple of weeks. Thanks for joining us in the journey. The overarching theme is the faithfulness of God.
Read MoreWe are FAMILY! It was absolutely amazing having Makayla WITH us this year for Christmas time… in fact she was able to be with us for FOUR weeks and it was gold. WARNING ! This is a LONGER (SORRY!!!) email with some important info. We will first share our coming up needs, prayer campaign, and […]
Read MoreGreetings to all, The reason I am sending out this short update is that, as of October 31st I (Perry), had my right knee replaced and at this moment I am still recovering. This means that our normal end of the year newsletter will not be sent out until this spring after we get back […]
Read MoreThe New Year reminds us of NEW BIRTH and NEW FOUND FREEDOM in Christ, NEW GROWTH as we grow closer to our Savior through His word, and NEW OPPORTUNITES to minister. We pray you will experience some of these same “New” things in 2024. Curtis and Rachel Rhoadarmer Indiana To see past issues of […]
Read More“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10 “Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as righteousness to God.” Romans 6:13 We were at a home fellowship a couple of weeks ago and one of the group members said that she […]
Read MoreJust a quick note to say we’d be honored if you’d consider Abby’s Garden for your year-end giving! With all the growth we’ve experienced this year and an impending move to accommodate that growth, we could really use your donation! We are always in need of new monthly partners, but one-time and occasional gifts really […]
Read MoreDear Friends and Family, We hope that you enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and want to wish you a very Happy New Year! We pray that you will experience God’s richest blessings during 2024!! As we shared in our last update, EE-Brazil more than met its 2023 goals, exceeding the number of training events that […]
Read MoreFrom Kandern Germany, Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Merry Christmas from our family to yours! It has been a crazy last 7 weeks for our family, but we are thankful for God’s provision, and how He meets us where we are at. Our last update ended with us bringing in a new […]
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