William Tyas

God, Say WHAT?!?

We are FAMILY! It was absolutely amazing having Makayla WITH us this year for Christmas time… in fact she was able to be with us for FOUR weeks and it was gold. WARNING ! This is a LONGER (SORRY!!!) email with some important info. We will first share our coming up needs, prayer campaign, and […]

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Sweet Surrender

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10 “Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as righteousness to God.” Romans 6:13 We were at a home fellowship a couple of weeks ago and one of the group members said that she

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End of Year Giving

Just a quick note to say we’d be honored if you’d consider Abby’s Garden for your year-end giving! With all the growth we’ve experienced this year and an impending move to accommodate that growth, we could really use your donation! We are always in need of new monthly partners, but one-time and occasional gifts really

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ATUALIDADES from the Fosters: Finishing 2023 in a Strong Position…Happy New Year!!

Dear Friends and Family, We hope that you enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and want to wish you a very Happy New Year! We pray that you will experience God’s richest blessings during 2024!! As we shared in our last update, EE-Brazil more than met its 2023 goals, exceeding the number of training events that

ATUALIDADES from the Fosters: Finishing 2023 in a Strong Position…Happy New Year!! Read More »

Rabbit Trails

This year as I reflect on Christmas I think of “Rabbit Trails.” Life’s detours, roadblocks, long ways around, change of plans. This year seems to be a series of Rabbit Trails. Rabbit trails can be confusing, scary, frustrating, and discouraging. But they can also be seasons where, by the grace of God, we can experience

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