Hello Friends,
We have been back in Germany for over a month now, and things have not slowed down one bit. Unfortunately, this will not be a full proper update, but hopefully I (Scott) can bring you up to date and communicate how you can be praying for us right now.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who made our trip to the USA possible! We had a great time seeing people, enjoying meals together, and catching up with many of you. Unfortunately, we were not able to connect with everyone, and we are sad about that.
When we arrived back in Germany on August 5, we had August 6 as a breather (and to get our yard under control), we traveled to Switzerland on the 7th for our 20th Anniversary, and then we welcomed Nico (then 13 mo. old) back into our home on the 8th. I then began the BFA beginning of the year meetings on the 12th. On the 13th we welcomed Sofia (3 yr old) and Diana (almost 2 yr old) into our home for 11 days, they are the same two girls who are deaf and were with us for 5 days in May. On August 16th the BFA All-Staff conference began. This was amazing for several reasons. Hearing the stories of new staff at BFA, being re-inspired about the mission and vision of the school, and there was child care for all three foster children, our two younger boys, and our two teens helped volunteer to lead the child care. All-Staff also marked the beginning of all day meetings and school prep for me. The two girls went back to their foster home on the 23rd, and then BFA and the cross-country season began on August 28. Stanley started his Junior year and Holly her freshman year. If that makes your head spin, that’s okay, ours are still spinning.
Needless to say, we are tired. While we had a great time in the USA, we don’t feel that we have been able to take a break. Heather and I have been slowly working through the book “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer, and we have been trying to be more intentional about our time with God and each other, but it has been a challenge. We are trying to find that place between doing hard things, but also knowing when to say “no.” So here is how you can pray for us.
That we would find deep rest. To be able to unplug on Sundays, to be able to make time to rest in God’s presence during the day, and to let Him recharge us.
For Nico’s long term placement. A week ago we felt a lot more helpless, but after some phone calls, emails, and tons of prayer, things seem to be happening with his case, and we are more at peace. Hopefully, by the end of the month he will have a long term loving family to live with.
For our kids. With the whirlwind of this past month, they have also been struggling. We have been trying to be intentional with them and do some one-on-one activities. Samuel started third grade this past Monday, and Stuart begins sixth grade this upcoming Monday, Sept 9. We are deeply encouraged by what God is doing in their hearts when our oldest talks about helping lead a student-led worship night, and going to school early just so he can spend time with God.
For BFA and everything happening in and through this ministry. We are really excited about what God is going to do this year. The theme is “dwell,” and the verse is John 1:14 “and the word became flesh and dwelt among us…” The focus is to lean in to Jesus and intentionally pursue him through various spiritual disciplines like quiet time, prayer, Sabbath, fasting, etc. One of the books our lead chaplain read this summer is “Practicing the Way” also by John Mark Comer, and this is also one of the books we have been working through individually.
For the cross-country season. Thank you to those who donated money to buy team shirts. They arrived this week and look amazing. We have a great group of students, but only about a third of them are returnees. Our theme verse is Hebrews 12:1-2, and we have been talking with them about persevering and fixing their eyes on Jesus. I am taking on more responsibilities this year because our current head coach will not be here next year, and I am in position to take over that role. Running has been such a passion of mine, it feels like a natural fit for me, but it does come at a cost of time and energy. So please pray how we can find that balance as a family, and to keep in check if this is my will or God’s will.
For our church’s women’s retreat. Heather was asked to be on the planning committee back in February, and that retreat is happening September 27-29. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use this time to draw the women closer to Him, and for me as I manage the home without Heather that weekend.
I could keep going with the many things going on right now, but I wanted to keep this short. Thank you so much for your support through prayer and financial gifts. We are so thankful to be part of what God is doing here in Kandern and around the world, and we know that is only possible through people like you. Thank you for investing into this ministry.
Serving Him in Kandern, Germany at Black Forest Academy,
Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel