
We are in a season of waiting. At Abby’s Garden we are waiting to move upstairs so that we have more space. We were hoping to bring a small team to complete the work that needs to be done, but that has not materialized. Our second plan was to pay a friend who is a Dominican engineer to do the work, but he has so much work right now that he isn’t available. We are thankful that he is enjoying a successful business right now!

So we are in search of a contractor in La Vega who can do the work, hopefully someone from the church we attended while we lived there.

We are also waiting on the architect to draw up the plans and make an estimate for what our costs will be.
In the meantime, we are so grateful for all of the donations that have come in so far. As soon as we have a better idea about how much the project will cost, we’ll be sure to share that information.

We are always looking for more monthly partners, so the work at Abby’s Garden can continue to grow. Just last month we started caring for a three-year-old Haitian girl whose mom was just 16 when she gave birth to her. There are many Haitian refugees living in the Dominican Republic, and sadly, most Dominicans are racist towards them. We are happy to provide a safe place for this teen mother and her child, who are living in a country that does not welcome them. Please pray for opportunities to share the love of Jesus with them.

We recently celebrated Day of the Girl.

An upcoming trip

Lord willing, I am be making a trip to visit Abby’s Garden in early November. I am excited, as it has been 8 months since I’ve been there, which feels too long. Please be praying for good visits and meetings for planning the upcoming work on our new space. I am hoping to bring some new toys, books, and educational supplies. If you are interested in purchasing something that I can bring with me, click this link to access our Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RDH8XP0I2TLE/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2

We Belong

We are also in a season of waiting with We Belong. The opening date for a new location has been pushed back again, and we are now hoping to open in January. Continued prayers for this would also be appreciated.

Thank you!

We are always humbled and grateful for your continued faithfulness to our ministries in the Dominican Republic and in Portland. Please let us know how we can be praying for you.

With love,

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