Wadsworth December 2022

This year’s Christmas Card for the nursing home residents is another popup done by Susan Winget. The residents really appreciate the decorative value as well as the Christmas theme.

Also, I’ve been able to give a number of residents a copy of a book by Chaplain Bill Goodrich entitled God Cares for You. He does an excellent job of expressing God’s love to nursing home residents. I will continue distributing copies of the book next year.

Christmas is a good time for the nursing home residents. The Nursing home staff enjoy the season as well as they help the residents enjoy it also. Many decorations are used. In fact, some of the staff bring decorations from home to add to the atmosphere. Of course, there are the ongoing heath struggles as some have to spend time in the hospital and some pass away in the winter season. I have not done a statistical study but I know more deaths occur in the winter. Even this last week I spent extra time in a hospital room with a former resident of an assisted living facility and her family as they waited for her to go home to be with the Lord. The Lord open the door of heaven to her at just after 11pm November 25th.

I have continued writing letters to about 85 nursing home residents in addition to Bible Studies and one on one visits. The format of the letters is much like the letter you are reading with text and pictures to hold interest. During the year I have, at times, had more freedom to visit residents in their rooms and so I have written fewer letters than last year. The visitation is on and off depending on the amount of disease in the nursing home at any given time. At one point all the staff and volunteers including me, were permitted to go without masks. The whole atmosphere of the home seemed to improve as everyone could see each other’s smiles. The next week we were back to wearing masks because there was a spike in COVID in the county.

In our Bible Studies we finished the book of James and have studied a series on the “One Another’s” of the Bible learning more about what it means to love one another. We have also studied some Psalms. With more freedom to visit residents I have been able to present the Gospel one on one more often. I would like that to increase even more. Please pray.

One of the things I enjoy doing during the Christmas season is to promote the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox ministry in our church. This year we put together 49 shoebox gifts. We always recruit the children and youth of our church to help in the project. My sofa is back to normal since this picture was taken.

Prayer requests:
In the nursing home Bible studies 4 staff people over hear the messages. One is a faithful Christian and interjects her comments. The other three seem to care less and sometimes even avoid the Studies. Please pray for those three.

Pray for me that I have energy and spiritual alertness to make the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel.

May you have a blessed Christmas season and as always, I thank you so very much for your faithful prayer and financial support.


Yours in Christ,
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