Venturing Out!

Excited to share what God has been up to with P2P this past month.

  • God provided the finances for curriculum! (More information to come about this and a future partnership!)
  • Met with a variety other workers here in Portugal. Were able to hear their hearts, their dreams, obstacles, and how the Lord may be creating ways for us to support and empower people to continue to love and serve their communities well. We look forward to celebrating what God is forming!
  • Took on a new intern, Kai Janzen, for the next few months to help with communications as we share God’s story here in the North of Portugal.
  • The team had an Exploration Day on February 8. We sent out to Guimaraes, Portugal. It was an incredible day of learning. We walked through history, learned about communities of old, saw how God has created us for community, ate everyday local foods, and got a glimpse of God’s heart for the people of Guimaraes. Join us in praying for the few gospel workers here in this area. Pray for the many people that live daily without a deep, thriving relationship with Jesus. Pray that they would hunger to live fully awake and alive in Christ; no longer being satisfied to simply survive the mundaness of everyday life.

Pictures from our day out in Guimaraes

Prayer Requests:

  • Greg Weaver and Kevin Janzen head to Wales on Tuesday, February 15 for the Gensis Collective Conference. This conference is for church planters internationally. Pray for a fruitful time of connection and relationship building. They will return Saturday, February 19.
  • Continued deepening of relationships here in the North of Portugal.
  • Finances to enable us to create, produce a church planters training program, so that people are empowered to create gospel communities, where lives can be eternally reconciled and restored with Jesus Christ.

We would love to know how we can be praying for you!

THANK YOU for journeying with us!

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