
In Between

June 3, 2024

Name of our new road Translation: Pathway of Peace A chaotic blessing!! Life in between… We have moved… or better put, we are in the midst of moving. We are still at the old place in Matosinhos, Porto over Surf Church Porto. Cleaning out the old place and waiting for electricity and water in the […]

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W.A.C.A – unstable ground

May 26, 2024

Hope in the midst… I, Jen, returned back to Portugal a few days ago. I joined Greg and our 3 other TeamWorks team members for a week. Greg and our boss (and dear friend!) Marijke had been in another location within West Asia Central Asia (W.A.C.A.) the week prior. We had been invited in to […]

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Here, there, and everywhere in between…

May 13, 2024

THERE… Greg has now been in WEST ASIA for the past week working alongside our boss and colleague with a combined ministry team (3 teams in 1 – fun times!). Greg and M, our amazing boss, have just finished teaching the training for TeamWorks Module 1 with this group. I, Jen, will be flying out […]

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Movement Forward

February 6, 2024

Praying in the Gap We want to thank many of you who have joined us in this focused time of prayer. Here is a short update.

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God, Say WHAT?!?

January 18, 2024

We are FAMILY! It was absolutely amazing having Makayla WITH us this year for Christmas time… in fact she was able to be with us for FOUR weeks and it was gold. WARNING ! This is a LONGER (SORRY!!!) email with some important info. We will first share our coming up needs, prayer campaign, and […]

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Hands open: letting go, celebrating, & receiving

September 16, 2023

Ever catch that moment where you know God is having some fun and showing off a bit? I was out for an evening walk in our neighborhood, along with our dog Jules, and God’s handiwork about took my breath away. As the day was coming to a close I felt the invitation to see the […]

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It’s Time!!

April 10, 2023

God has secured cars for our time in SoCal !! Thank you to everyone who generously and sacrificially offered vehicles during our stay. We felt very cared for.

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Weavers Coming to CALIFORNIA

April 4, 2023

Weavers Coming to CALIFORNIA April 12 – May 1 There are some exciting opportunities this time: Three different workshops at some of our supporting churches. We are excited to be able come alongside and support the equipping and empowering of others. Makayla will join us for 5 days !!! We are all very eager to […]

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Special Guest

February 10, 2023

Often we are asked by our supporting churches and other individuals who are a part of our story if we have seen workers raised up. And the answer is YES! For this newsletter we want to share how God has equipped and empowered a friend and co-laborer. Special Guest: Nilvania (Nil) Caring for the souls […]

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Greg to Bangladesh January 1

December 31, 2022

Bangladesh January 1 – 17 Greg and his father, Craig, will be Training village pastors in Oral Bible Learning. What is Oral Bible Learning and why Bangladesh? Oral Bible Learning is: Communicating Scripture orally through story, followed by an interactive discussion so that the meaning reaches their hearts not just their minds. Bangladesh: Craig met […]

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