
Wadsworth June 2024

June 15, 2024

Yours in Christ, Wade This is what June looks like where I live. The alfalfa fields are a beautiful green. Right now, many farmers are cutting, baling and stacking this valuable crop. Other crops raised in this area are pinto beans, feed corn, wheat and sugar beets. I always feel at home with farmers and […]

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Wade’s Newsletter March 2024

March 18, 2024

Yours in Christ, Wade March promises spring weather, whether we get it or not. It also gives us Daylight Savings Time whether it saves anything or not. But this year March gives us Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. And all three are some of the most important historical events ever recorded. On Palm Sunday […]

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Wadsworth December 2023

December 18, 2023

Yours in Christ, Wade   The activity staff at Mitchell Care Center work hard to provide a meaningful Christmas experience for the residents at the care center. Christmas in the nursing home can be depressing when the residents are often left without family during the holiday season. My part is to share Christmas services with […]

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Goodbye August, Hello September

August 31, 2023

Yours in Christ, Wade   Could it really be September already? Is time going faster or am I going slower? In August I turned 77 years old. I decided to go back to 75 instead to see if that would improve my energy level. Well, of course it didn’t but it was fun joking about […]

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Wadsworth June 2023

June 2, 2023

In the last few weeks five residents at the Mitchell Care Center have passed away. Some were saved and others I am not sure. The nursing Home staff are remarkable people with a very special job, i.e. caring for those who can no longer care for themselves. It can be rewarding but also very trying. […]

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Wadsworth March 2023

March 3, 2023

Yours in Christ, Wade   Wyoming is certainly known for its cattle, ranches and cowboys. I meet regularly with one gentleman who lost his wife. I wrote about him in the June Newsletter last year. Click here to read more.

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Wadsworth December 2022

December 9, 2022

This year’s Christmas Card for the nursing home residents is another popup done by Susan Winget. The residents really appreciate the decorative value as well as the Christmas theme.

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Wadsworth September 2022

September 5, 2022

If you are like me the news of so many advances of wickedness and so much suffering in our world can be overwhelming. The Psalms often give us expression of our heart feelings concerning the world and circumstances we find ourselves in both good and bad. Recently, I found Psalm 94 to be a healthy […]

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Wadsworth June News

June 3, 2022

June 2022 Wade’s News Report New Life for a Horse Trainer Years ago, I met a horse trainer, Brian (not his real name) who had lived and worked in California, Texas and Wyoming. We were casual acquaintances until a mutual friend told me Brian’s wife had died. This happened about the same time April passed […]

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Wadsworth March 2022

March 11, 2022

Spring is trying to arrive in Lingle Wyoming. We get warm days followed by cold and snow. But that is normal for here. I took this unique picture about 25 miles west of Lingle.

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