Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 1st June 2020


Update from Nuno and Gila


Dear praying friends,

We hope this finds you well.

We had an all night prayer on Saturday and it was such a blessing to all who joined. The ones who stayed up can testify that the Lord carried us through the night. As we read Acts, prayed, sang, shared testimonies and had moments of silence, the Holy Spirit strengthened us and cleared out the fog, assuring us of His calling. In ourselves there is nothing that can defeat darkness and we are aware that only by the power of His Holy Spirit lives can be saved and transformed. So we pray! We are so thankful for all the Lord has been doing and for all He is going to do!

Will you pray for the Holy Spirit to revive the hearts of believers here in Viana and Porto, strengthening us all so we may boldly share the hope of salvation and transformation that can only be found in Jesus. Pray for eyes to be opened and hears to be unstopped and that the Holy Spirit carries our words into people’s hearts. Please pray specifically for José (Vera ́s husband) who is not yet a believer.

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