Please Pray

Please Pray

Prayer Requests:

  • Our language class, and the ability to learn the Nepali language.
  • Our business.
  • Our ability to go to school, build the business, and serve in ministry.
  • The resources needed to accomplish what we are called to do in Nepal. Also, praise for God’s provision.
  • For the incredible church growth in the villages through House of Hope and the resources need to sustain growth.
  • For our health, the weather is cold, and the air pollution very bad. Colds are very common and plentiful.
  • For our family in the US.
  • For our adapting to a new culture.


  • Growing provision.
  • Business opportunity and long-term visa.
  • Language learning.

Thanks for your partnership.

Answered Prayer!

Our business proposal was approved! We proceeding to secure long term business visa. The Lord has expanded our ministry to include a group training business called,” Learning to Thrive.” Our business will focus on resilience training. We are working with ACE Dave Lockridge has graciously provided all of the material as well as ongoing coaching for us free of charge. Additionally, I will be using some of the resilience curriculum I developed when I was serving as a sheriff’s chaplain in Mariposa. We are looking at launching our first training with the Nepali Police Department in February. We are planning on meeting with various government officials to present our training options.

Praise God for His constant faithfulness!

“This is The Lord’s doing and it’s wonderful to see!” Psalm 118

Leprosy Outreach

We are so proud of our House of Hope, Lalitpur youth group. On New Year’s Day they held an outreach at a local leprosy facility. They raised the funds to provide food bags to hand out to over one hundred and eighty people. They sang worship songs, prayed, and loved on those stricken with leprosy. The youth were greatly moved by the outreach, as well as those at the facility. Those living at the leprosy facility asked the youth not to forget about them and invited them to return. Hopefully, this becomes an ongoing ministry of the love of Jesus.

Back to School!

This week we started our eight weeks Nepali language course. For the first fifteen lessons we do not speak, we listen, observe, and do actions.

The class is three hours a day, Monday through Friday. We are in Phase 1 and very strongly considering the Phase 2 course this spring. The pictures show some of the observation and action tools used in the class. Every day we are building our Nepali vocabulary. This is extremely important in building relationships, as well as for our ministry in discipleship, and our business.

The Von Raeders in Nepal

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