Meet Abby, our Namesake

Abby is the daughter of our director, Divina, and her husband Reynaldo. Abby’s Garden is named in honor of her.

When Abby was a baby, Divina needed to work but did not want to leave her in a government-run daycare, where the toddler to caregiver ratio is 15-1 and the ratio for babies is 6-1. Having worked as the director in one for four years, Divina knew what minimal care Abby would receive. From a conversation Divina and I had about the need for quality daycare for Dominican children, the idea for Abby’s Garden was born. We launched in May of 2022, and Divina has been able to care for Abby alongside the other children, which has been a dream come true for her.

Abby is now four years old, and loves to be a leader among the Abby’s Garden children. She is bright and kind and loves to help with the babies. She loves Paw Patrol, and her favorite foods are pasta, soup, and French fries.

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With love,

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