Maybe Someone Can Relate?

Maybe someone can relate!?

Have you ever had one of those days…???

You are driving around, getting some work done (using fuel that costs way too much), doing some grocery shopping (while noticing prices are steadily increasing), and feeling a bit anxious about how the bills will get paid this month or next???

Then when you are almost home, you decide to drop off the recycling (or any stop really), simple right!? But no, you do something stupid (like hitting the corner of a curb while pulling into the parking space)… ever had one of these days? Well I have!

Today is one of those days. It’s when I am jacking the car up to get the tire off (struggling a bit with feeling dumb, and the why now questions racing through my mind), that an amazing little scripture pops into my head.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness”

First thought is, “this hardly qualifies as a trial”, but as I think more about it, I realize it is in fact just that.

Will I decide to trust God right now!? Or will I get angry, sad or numb the thoughts or feelings I am having?

It’s not only been one of these days, but one of these months, and one of these years for that matter…

And to be honest, it has not been easy any step of the way. But ya know what!? The Lord has been faithful. He has never left us, or forsaken us. He has provided, and cared for, and healed us. He has walked with us through things we never could have imagined, and His faithfulness has never wavered.

So why would it now?

So, as tough as it seems when little (or big) things go wrong, or happen not as we planned… We have the choice to choose faith or to choose unbelief.

For me this can be a struggle sometimes.

But today in the midst of it, I think back to the promises of God, and I reflect on the many ways I have experienced His grace, His love and His many undeserved mercies. And I cannot think of one single time that He has broken a promise. So why would I think that He would now!?

So I sit at the used tyre shop, waiting for them to get back from lunch, and I pray and confess my disbelief that He is still in control, and remind myself that He alone is forever good and faithful! And my frustration turns to worship!

Maybe it’s just me? But I thought maybe someone could relate…

Love you all!



Update from the Janzen Family

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