Missionary News

Carvajal May-June 2024

July 12, 2024

  News from Bob Carvajal Louisiana What a Summer So Far!! May and June were nonstop for ministry. In early May the youth group had a night at Laser Tag to raise money for our mission trip to Columbia. 10 days later we had our Senior Recognition Sunday. We had 11 seniors graduate and that […]

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Tyas July 2024

July 6, 2024

News from the Tyas family Serving in WA among the Hispanic community July 2024   From the notes of Ed and Gerry… “Please come. I don’t know what to do.” This came on a phone call recently from Maria. As I quickly got in my car, I quickly sent up a prayer. I didn’t know […]

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Overby Odyssey June 2024

June 27, 2024

Serving Him in Kandern, Germany Scott for Heather, Stanley, Holly, Stuart, and Samuel Summer Greetings from Kandern, Germany, And just like that, another school year is completed. The last 6 weeks of school felt like an amusement ride that kept getting faster and faster as we approached the final launch. That launch culminated at the […]

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Summer Ministry Update 6/18/24

June 18, 2024

Shepherds’ Wives Conference A conference just for Shepherds’ Wives? Yes, please! Rachel and her mom, Mary Pinkerton, were able to attend the 2nd Annual Shepherds’ Wives Conference last week in Jacksonville, FL. It was one of the most edifying conferences Rachel has been to. The conference was full of expositional teaching through God’s word on […]

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Wadsworth June 2024

June 15, 2024

Yours in Christ, Wade This is what June looks like where I live. The alfalfa fields are a beautiful green. Right now, many farmers are cutting, baling and stacking this valuable crop. Other crops raised in this area are pinto beans, feed corn, wheat and sugar beets. I always feel at home with farmers and […]

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In Between

June 3, 2024

Name of our new road Translation: Pathway of Peace A chaotic blessing!! Life in between… We have moved… or better put, we are in the midst of moving. We are still at the old place in Matosinhos, Porto over Surf Church Porto. Cleaning out the old place and waiting for electricity and water in the […]

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W.A.C.A – unstable ground

May 26, 2024

Hope in the midst… I, Jen, returned back to Portugal a few days ago. I joined Greg and our 3 other TeamWorks team members for a week. Greg and our boss (and dear friend!) Marijke had been in another location within West Asia Central Asia (W.A.C.A.) the week prior. We had been invited in to […]

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Here, there, and everywhere in between…

May 13, 2024

THERE… Greg has now been in WEST ASIA for the past week working alongside our boss and colleague with a combined ministry team (3 teams in 1 – fun times!). Greg and M, our amazing boss, have just finished teaching the training for TeamWorks Module 1 with this group. I, Jen, will be flying out […]

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Foster Care and Sickness

May 6, 2024

Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for your prayers this past weekend. We wanted to give you a quick update on how we are doing. Apologies for those who are a bit squeamish, I will try to avoid any details. For those who missed the first email, on Thursday last week we took in three […]

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Some News to Share

April 25, 2024

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ Hello everyone, We want to update you on a change we have made. After a season of prayer and discussion, Peggy and I have decided to answer the call to return to New Life as the lead pastor and worship leader. […]

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