Bob’s News – January-February 2020


News from Bob Carvajal


New Year & New Challenges!!!

I started off the new year in Atlanta, Georgia at the Passion conference. Nine of us from the college and career group went to Passion which is one of the premier college conferences in the United States. There were over 65,000 college students there and the trip really united our group. More about Passion on the inside.

The second week in January is when we get back in the high schools after Christmas. Bonnabel High School has been really doing great. We have had consistent attendance and we have seen a change in the students. They are more open to the gospel and how it affects their lives. Destrahan High School continues to be a struggle in getting students to come to the club. Our attendance remains low but the students that come are real receptive to the gospel.

Click here to read more.

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