Abby’s Garden is Growing!

We currently have 8-10 kids coming regularly, and a new baby joining us next month. With four children on the waiting list, we are nearing capacity in our current space. As mentioned in the previous update, we have the opportunity to complete the work on the upstairs unit and move up there, which would enable us to double our space and have plenty of room to grow! This month we are starting a campaign to raise the funds in order to purchase the supplies needed to complete the work. Lord willing, we will be bringing a team to do the work in January of 2024, so we have six months to raise the funds, and are eager to see how the Lord will provide!

We recently celebrated each child’s growth and achievements.

We Belong PDX

I am still planning to help launch a new site for We Belong PDX in Portland. We hope to open in mid-September, which means I will be officially starting in mid-August, preparing for program and coordinating with the principals and counselors at the nearby elementary schools to find out which kids and families would be best served by our program. You can be in prayer for me this month as I plan and dream about this exciting new opportunity to provide more kids in Portland with a space to belong and to learn about a Savior who loves them. By way of reminder, and for some of you who are new, here is the website in case you’d like more info:

There are no new updates about my court case in the Dominican Republic. Prayers that the judges will rule in my favor would be appreciated.

We remain grateful for your interest and support, both financially and through prayer.
Thank you!

With love,

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