We are excited to share that we now have 20 kids attending Abby’s Garden!
(Not all of them are pictured above–I’ll try to get one with all of them for next time.)
Ben and I visited Abby’s Garden earlier this month, so I got to be there for two of the kids’ first week in attendance. First weeks are almost always hard; it’s an adjustment for everyone from the new child, to his/her parents, to the women who care for them. So there were more tears than usual, and with a larger group of kids than ever, things felt a bit chaotic.
Ben and I went to the beach after only being at Abby’s Garden for two days, and we had a wonderful time resting and rejuvenating and celebrating his 50th birthday! Afterwards, we returned back to La Vega for four more days, and things were much calmer at Abby’s Garden.
As always, it was a joy for me to be with the kids, and to see the women doing such a great job with them. They have a daily schedule that helps both the caregivers and the kids have structure and stability. They’re doing the best they can in a space that really is too small, but Dominicans are great at making the best of what they have.
I went with Divina to see a house for rent in the same neighborhood. It is very closed in and far less appealing than the house we’re currently in, but the usable space would definitely increase. We really need more space, so please be praying for wisdom as to whether we should move into this place, or keep waiting for something that would be more ideal.
Our newest caretaker, whom I mentioned in my Fall update, is a 20-year-old girl who grew up in the same neighborhood as Abby’s Garden. It was her first week when I was there in October, and between that visit and this one, I could see tremendous growth in just these four months. She is a great help in general, and almost every day she takes the preschoolers to a separate area for special time doing age-appropriate activities. She is kind and patient, yet firm. Her name is Yoleny and she grew up attending church with Divina, as well as the community group that Divina and her parents hosted for years in the neighborhood, but she is no longer attending church. Pray that she will recognize her need for Jesus and a personal relationship with Him.
We are at a monthly deficit of about $150 now that we have 20 kids and five women on staff. Thankfully, periodic and one-time gifts help cover this, but we really need our monthly support to be covering our monthly expenses, rather than dipping into this reserve that we need for things as they come up, such as employee’s day, Christmas bonuses, and furniture needs as we grow (right now we really need another high chair). Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Abby’s Garden. We receive monthly donations in amounts anywhere from $10-$400, so anything helps, but something to keep in mind is that it costs us about $125 per month to care for each child.
Here is Yoleny helping some of the preschoolers with their new puzzles.
I got to be there for Valentine’s Day! Eighteen kids came dressed in red, Divina made a special breakfast for the AG staff (it was mangú [mashed plantains], salami and cheese), a Valentine card from each child for their parents, as well as sweet beans (a homemade treat Dominicans love to make in the springtime).
I absolutely loved spending time with the preschoolers. Here are six of the eight who currently attend. You should recognize four of them from the Meet the Abby’s Garden Kids series I started a couple months ago. Next week I’ll send one about Zohary, the girl on my lap in this photo. She’s a spunky one!
Thank you for taking the time to read our updates, for your prayers, and for giving!
With love,