Wadsworth September 2022

If you are like me the news of so many advances of wickedness and so much suffering in our world can be overwhelming. The Psalms often give us expression of our heart feelings concerning the world and circumstances we find ourselves in both good and bad. Recently, I found Psalm 94 to be a healthy expression of my own heart. Through the Lord Jesus Christ God offers mercy and salvation to everyone. But for those who steadfastly refuse His mercy there will be an end to their rebellion. Angels rejoice when even one person repents. Luke 15:7. But there will also be joy in heaven when wickedness is destroyed. Rev. 19:1-6. In the meantime, let us be faithful.

My young friend (age 14) and I have been studying the Bible together. We study the word of God and then do some kind of craft after. We are in I Samuel and for a craft we are putting together a plastic model engine and learning the internal functions of the engine. His parents have been home schooling he and his sister. Recently he decided to return to the public school. Because He will be inundated with evolutionary teaching and old earth/big bang universe theory we have changed the emphasis of our study. We are using two DVD’s to learn true earth history. One is “Is Genesis History?” isgenesishistory.com; and the other is “God of Wonders” godofwondersvideo.org. Both are excellent on the subject of Creation and on how we know the earth and universe are young (thousands of years old) instead of billions of years old.

Nursing Home opportunities never seem to stop changing as each home has to deal with the continuing problems caused by COVID. Some days entire hallways are closed to me. Other days some rooms are closed but I am free to visit residents in others. Some nursing homes I have to check in with a computer questionnaire and take a nasal test and wear a heavy mask. Other places require only a soft mask but want the computer check in. In one assisted living facility a simple sign in with a pen and a soft mask is sufficient. Each facility has to grapple with their own state laws and local recurrence of the disease to keep residents as safe as possible. Its not easy for them.

Currently our weekly Bible Studies are on the book of James. Attendance has been anywhere from 4 to 14 depending on how many are on quarantine and how many feel well.

An example of sharing the Gospel one on one is when a new resident began coming to the Bible Studies to listen to the hymns. His friend, also a resident, let me know the man was searching. I established a relationship with him and asked if he wanted to see the gospel in pictures. He agreed and the next we week we did it. I have several pictures for the residents to look at while presenting the creation, creation of man, the fall, consequences of the fall, and God’s plan and provision for salvation. I have it all on my laptop but have made paper pictures. (Easier to carry) The man really connected with what I presented and I could tell it was not his first time hearing the Gospel. On his own he prayed to receive Christ. I followed up with assurance verses the next week.

Other Activities and Events:

  • Lingle was nearly flooded because a large irrigation canal broke. The town’s people acted quickly and built dikes to keep the water out of town. It was a real relief when the water began to subside. Some properties outside of town did get wet but nothing in the city limits. Thank you, Lord!
  • Have had to replace my hot water heater, copier and freezer since May. All are replaced and operating. Was “fun” getting the freezer out of the basement. The stairway turns 90 degrees on the way up. Used a come-a-long to provide the leverage.
  • Helped a man from our church move his elderly sister from Kansas to Nebraska to be near her daughter. The U-Haul differential had not been serviced correctly and overheated in travel. U-Haul sent a towing service to load the truck and take to its destination. The process took three long days and several people working on the problem but everything arrived in good condition.
  • We have a new pastor at our church. He and his wife have three daughters and one son. The son was born after they moved here from Colorado. They are an excellent fit for our church. I’ve had the privilege of helping them move and get settled. We are very happy to have him and his family.

You are the dear people who sustain me and enable me to keep going. Without you my ability to serve would be greatly reduced. Thank you very, very much for your prayers, financial support and encouragement!

2022 Story record
My ministry story for May report was on Bruce Laird
My ministry story for June report was Gerald and letters on the wall.
My ministry story for July report Kermit Kling
My ministry story for Aug. report Robert Adamson


Yours in Christ,
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