ATUALIDADES* from the Fosters: Easter Blessings!!

Dear Friends and Family,

We trust that your celebration of Resurrection Day was as much a blessing to you as ours was to us! Our Easter services at church were wonderful and a real encouragement! Oh, what a Savior!

EE-Brasil was able to begin 2022 with renewed possibilities for in-person training after two years with a greater focus on online training. PTL! Like so many aspects of the pandemic, people everywhere are tired of restrictions…in our case, both the churches and our teachers. So, our first training workshop was at the end of January and was in-person. There were twenty-five church members present.

Our next two training events were ones that were rescheduled from last year, and since they had been planned to be conducted via Zoom, that format remained in place. There were thirty-nine participants in the Zoom workshop!

Of those thirty-nine people in the workshop, eight had pre-registered for the rest of the week for a more in-depth EE training clinic, also via Zoom. While small in number, the clinic had a great spirit and some amazing results for which we were very grateful! During the on-the-job training, twelve people heard the Gospel as three-person teams presented it, and eleven (92%) prayed to receive the gift of eternal life!! Please pray for those who were trained to now begin training others, as well as for those who prayed to receive Christ to be discipled in their new faith.

May 28th is the GoMovement’s Global Outreach Day. In preparation for that day, April 30th has been designated as GO Training Day. Each EE country was challenged to offer a training workshop on that day. So, we are pleased to have an in-person workshop planned for April 30th. Two more in-person workshops are already scheduled for May 7th and June 4th. Then in the second semester we already have one workshop and three clinics, all in-person, on our schedule. Please pray for all of these opportunities to train, cast a vision for training, share the Gospel and disciple. And, pray for more training events to be scheduled.

In spite of fewer restrictions on movement within Brazil and our corresponding shift back to in-person training, as recently as April 4th, the government of Brazil has reiterated its position that coronavirus vaccination remains a requirement for entrance into Brazil. Therefore, my work with EE-Brazil (and lots of it!) continues from Atlanta. We are grateful for good health and the resources to fulfill our role daily in ministry under altered circumstances!

We want to thank you for your faithful support in prayer and the financial support!! If you gave during January – April, please know that it is a constant source of encouragement to reflect on your generosity and perseverance in giving to the Lord’s work!! We are able to serve EE-Brazil because of your partnership. We trust that, when we report to you that eleven of twelve people who heard the Gospel prayed and received the gift of eternal life, you feel like you were a part of it! “When the Kingdom of God is advanced through his people’s generosity, there is no doubt that God accomplished the work and God receives the glory.” (Hoag, The Sower) Amen!! Please see below for ways to contribute to our support.


Prayerfully and with sincere gratitude,
Robert & Mary Jo Foster,
Serving Evangelism Explosion-Brazil

* Atualidades a Portuguese word that means news or up to date information. We want you to have the latest information in order to support us in prayer, as well as financially when the Lord leads/enables. Thank you!

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