Portugal, Viana do Castelo – 28th June 2021


Update from Nuno and Gila



Dear praying friends,

Thanks for your continued support in prayer. It is much needed and appreciated!

On Saturday the women gathered for the last meeting before summer break. They studied the sermon on the mount for the past 9 months and it was such a time of growth for all who were part of it. On the photo you see many of the faces we usually ask you to pray for (from left to right): Mafalda, Verena (holding Mel), Gila, Vera, Anita, Andrezza and Marjorie. There are a few others that usually join online, and also need your prayers: Antónia, Graça, Sandra, Rita, Brazilina and Bina. Please continue to pray for these women and their families, that they may keep walking close with the Lord, obeying Him step by step.

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