Our mission is to engage all cultures by living out God’s Word together in outreach, discipleship, and mobilization.

West Coast missionaries also met as a small group today for time in the Word and sharing together.


An international group of missionaries met today for nourishment in the word and time together.


An international group of missionaries met today for nourishment in the word and time together.


Brazil is South America’s largest and most influential country which is home to 211 million people. More than 50 million identify as evangelicals. Brazilian Christianity is a powerful force and a blessing to the world. Its Church has sent out many missionaries who have revitalized Christian work in many places. Pray for the Church to grow, mature, and reach into every part of Brazilian society. Pray that the Brazilian Church will continue to be a major missionary sending force in the global Church. We have Brazilians serving with Be One Together. Be in prayer.


We can help you get involved.


Brazil is experiencing explosive growth throughout Evangelical churches. Evangelical Christianity, once a minority, is now on the verge of surpassing Catholicism as the country's largest faith group. Mega-churches are now common, drawing thousands of worshippers weekly. Be One Together has ministry in Brazil and missionaries from Brazil serving in Portugal and the U.S.


Be One Together missionaries may use sports to share Christ and His character. Scott Overby coaches cross country track in Germany. Sam Cianelli teaches surfing in Portugal. Is God asking you to reach others for Christ through your sports connections?


No matter where we are in life -- whether you're retired, busy with work and family, or navigating new challenges -- we all have the chance to make an eternal impact.


Be One Together has missionaries serving in various countries around the world.